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Table of Contents
1 What the Bible
Says About Its Origin
2 The Need for
the Prophetic Gift
3 The Prophets
and Their Function
4 The Prophet
and His Message
5 Instruction
by the Prophets
6 Tests of a
7 Some
Relationships of the Prophets
8 Prophecy
After New Testament Times
9 Guidance in
10 Backgrounds
of the Advent Movement
11 The Rise of
the Advent Movement
12 Ellen White and Her Work, Part I
13 Ellen White and Her Work, Part II
Note-These above two articles are a biography of E.G. White
14 Testing the
Experience of Ellen White
15 The Prophet
and Her Messages
16 The Ellen White Books
17 Making
Preparation for Publication
18 Custody of
the Ellen White Writings
19 The Ellen White Writings and the Bible
20 The Place of
the Prophetic Gift
21 Ellen White Writings Today
22 Critics and
23 Ellen White Writings-Their Study and Use
24 Studying
Individual Topics
25 In
Confirmation of Faith
“If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make Myself known
unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.” Numbers 12:6.
A study of the Biblical doctrine of the gift of prophecy is
vital for every Seventh-day Adventist, first, because Adventists accept the
Bible as the inspired word of God, prepared for men through the operation of the
gift of prophecy; and second, because Seventh-day Adventists believe that God
has revived the gift of prophecy in the remnant church through the life and work
of Ellen White. It is the purpose of this book to outline the reasons for,
and the function of, the prophetic gift in both ancient and modern times, so
that confidence in the current applicability of the teachings of the Bible and
the Ellen White writings might be increased, and that their use might be more
fully understood.
The subject matter of the book falls naturally into three
categories: (1) a study of the practical working of the gift of prophecy as
revealed in the Bible (chapters 1-9); (2) the second advent movement, and the
life and work of Ellen White in relation to that movement (chapters 10-15); the
place of the writings of Mrs. White in the church today, and a study of some of
the topics on which she has written (chapters 16-24). In the first group of
chapters no reference is made to the Ellen White writings. First the Scriptural
foundation is laid. Then Mrs. White's life and experience are introduced and
Bible tests are applied to her. Finally, her writings are brought into
While this book has been prepared primarily for use in college
classes in the Gift of Prophecy, it should be useful to Seventh-day Adventist
ministers and others who wish to make a careful study of the place of the
prophetic gift in the church today. The importance of the subject increases with
each passing year. “As the end draws near and the work of giving the last
warning to the world extends, it becomes more important for those who accept present truth to have a clear understanding of
the nature and influence of the Testimonies, which God in His providence
has linked with the work of the third angel's message from its very
rise.”—Testimonies, vol. 5, P. 654.
Point will be given to the study if certain objectives are kept
in mind:
1. To learn the need for and the function of the prophetic gift
as a means of communication between God and His people.
2. To gather from the Bible information concerning the scope of
the work and the lines of instruction given through the ancient prophets.
3. To note something of the characteristics of the men called
to this work, and the individual style of their writings.
4. To discover the experiences that are characteristic of the
prophets in receiving and passing on their messages.
5. To determine the results of various attitudes of individuals
and nations toward the prophets and their messages.
6. To learn how to apply the Bible tests by which we may tell
whether a prophet is true or false.
7. To learn whether the exercise of the gift of prophecy might
be expected to end with the close of the writing of the canonical books of the
Bible, or if we might expect to find the gift exercised in the remnant church in
a manner similar to that in which it operated in ancient times.
8. To discover whether we may reasonably expect that the scope
of work and lines of instruction covered by any manifestation of the gift of
prophecy in the remnant church might be as varied and extensive as such work and
instruction by the ancient prophets.
9. To draw conclusions regarding the responsibility of
the individual members of the remnant church in view of an exercise of
the gift of prophecy among them.
10. To investigate the claims of Ellen White to be a messenger
of the Lord to the remnant church.
11. To apply to the life and work of Ellen White the Bible
tests of a prophet.
12. To consider such portions of the Ellen White writings as
are appropriate for those engaged in the study.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Board of Trustees of the
Ellen White Publications, who greatly hastened the preparation of this book
by granting me time to carry out the major portion of the project as part of my
responsibility as associate secretary of the Ellen White Publications, and to
Arthur L. White, secretary of the board, for his valued counsel and constant
helpfulness. Thanks is given to the large group of college Bible teachers,
administrators, and others who helped plan the outline for the book, and who
read the complete manuscript and submitted constructive criticisms. Of this
group K. J. Reynolds, J. C. Haussler, and R. W. Olsen have been especially
helpful. The latter gave the book trial in the classroom by using it in
mimeographed form as the textbook for his college class in the Gift of Prophecy
for one year.
Supplementary materials and suggestions for classroom use of
this book are available to college teachers from the office of the Department of
Education, General Conference of Seventhday Adventists, Takoma Park, Washington
12, D.C.
It is hoped that this book will strengthen confidence in, and
increase understanding of, the function and importance of the gift of prophecy
among God's people in all ages.
T. Housel Jemison.
Washington, D.C.