Right Methods,
Principles, and Motives
Proper Education
Less of Self
Counsel Together
The Evil of Long
Knowing God
The Need of
Spiritual Discernment

Testimonies to Ministers and Workers - series A, NO. 4, 1895, pgs 14-20.)
Proper Education
Cooranbong, Australia, August 27, 1895.
Dear Brother and Sister-----:
The students of our manual training school
at this place are doing their best to follow the light God has given to
combine with mental training the proper use of brain and muscle. Thus far
the results have exceeded our expectations. At the close of the first
term, which was regarded as an experiment, opportunity was given for the
students to have their vacation, and engage in whatever work they chose to
do. But everyone begged that the school might be continued as before, with
manual labor each day combined with certain hours of study. The students
did not want to give up the present opportunity of learning how to labor
and how to study. If this is their choice under the most disadvantageous
circumstances, what influence will it have when the school buildings are
up and there are more favorable surroundings for the students?
The building they now occupy, the only one
at all fit for the purpose, was an old hotel which we rented and are using
to its fullest capacity. Four tents pitched in an adjoining paddock are
also occupied by students. Every morning at six o'clock the members of the
school are called together for morning worship and Bible study. These
occasions have proved a blessing. . . .
I spoke to the students eight mornings.
The Lord Jesus was indeed in our assembly. The congregation averaged from twenty-six to thirty. In the
first meetings the spirit of intercession came upon me, and all were
sensible that the Lord heard our prayers. Then I spoke about thirty
minutes, and the Lord gave me words for those assembled. These seasons
were most profitable; the testimonies of the students following gave
evidence that the Holy Spirit was giving to all glimpses of the things of
The spiritual impressions became more
marked as the meetings progressed. The divine presence was with us. The
sympathies and sentiments of those present became inspired with power and
favor. Hearts were susceptible to the influence of the Holy Spirit, and
decided changes were wrought in minds and character. The Spirit of God was
working upon human agents. I praise the Lord for the encouraging influence
of His Spirit upon my own heart. We all felt that the Lord was cooperating
with us to lead us to will, to resolve, and act.
The Lord does not propose to perform for
us either the willing or the doing. This is our proper work. As soon as we
earnestly enter upon the work, God's grace is given to work in us to will
and to do, but never as a substitute for our effort. Our souls are to be
aroused to cooperate. The Holy Spirit works the human agent, to work out
our own salvation. This is the practical lesson the Holy Spirit is
striving to teach us. "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and
to do of His good pleasure."
I never had a deeper sense of the precious
truth and its power upon human minds than when addressing those students
in the early meetings. Morning after morning I felt charged with a message
from God. I also had special freedom in speaking twice upon the Sabbath.
At every meeting several unbelievers were present, and they were much affected as
the truth was presented. If we had a suitable place for meeting we could
invite the neighbors to come in. But our long, narrow dining room crowded
as closely as if packed is not a very suitable place for worship. I am
assigned a little space in the corner of the room, and am packed up close
to the wall. Nevertheless the Lord Jesus is in the assembly. We know it.
Some souls are thinking very seriously now upon the subject of the truth.
We all know that the most severe and
intense soul struggles belong to the hour of the great resolve to act out
the convictions upon the human heart. The consecration of the soul to God
is committing the keeping of the soul to One who has purchased its freedom
at an infinite price, and then we are to follow on to know the Lord, that
we may know His goings forth are prepared as the morning. "To obey is
better than sacrifice." The whole work of the Christian is comprised in
willing and doing.
Balanced Training
The students work hard and faithfully.
They are gaining in strength of nerve and in solidity as well as activity
of muscles. This is the proper education which will bring forth from our
schools young men who are not weak and inefficient, who have not a
one-sided education, but an all-round physical, mental, and moral
training. The builders of character must not forget to lay the foundation
which will make education of the greatest value. This will require
self-sacrifice, but it must be done. The physical training will, if
properly conducted, prepare for mental taxation. But the one alone always
makes a deficient man. The physical taxation combined with mental effort
keeps the mind and morals in a more healthful condition, and far better work is done. Under this
training students will come forth from our schools educated for practical
life, able to put their intellectual capabilities to the best use.
Physical and mental exercise must be combined if we would do justice to
our students. We have been working on this plan here with complete
satisfaction, notwithstanding the inconvenience under which students have
to labor.
I came here and began work on my place so
earnestly that it inspired all with fresh zeal, and they have been working
with a will, rejoicing that they have the privilege. We have provoked one
another to zeal and good works. The school workers were afraid I would
plant the first trees, and now both they and and I have the satisfaction
of having the first genuine orchards in this vicinity. Some of our trees
will yield fruit next year, and the peaches will bear quite a crop in two
years. Mr. -----, from whom we bought our trees, lives about twenty miles
from here. He has an extensive and beautiful orchard. He says that we have
splendid fruit land.
Well, the school has made an excellent
beginning. The students are learning how to plant trees, strawberries,
etc.; how they must keep every sprangle and fiber of the roots uncramped
in order to give them a chance to grow. Is not this a most precious lesson
as to how to treat the human mind, and the body as well--not to cramp any
of the organs of the body, but give them ample room to do their work? The
mind must be called out, its energies taxed. We want men and women who can
be energized by the Spirit of God to do a complete work under the Spirit's
guidance. But these minds must be cultivated, employed, not lazy and
dwarfed by inaction. Just so men and women and children are wanted who
will work the land, and use their tact and skill, not
with a feeling that they are menials, but that they are doing just such
noble work as God gave to Adam and Eve in Eden, who loved to see the
miracles wrought by the divine Husbandman. The human agent plants the
seed, and God waters it and causes His sun to shine upon it, and up
springs the tiny blade. Here is the lesson God gives to us concerning the
resurrection of the body, and the renewing of the heart. We are to learn
of spiritual things from the development of the earthly.
Education in the Tilling of the Soil
We are not to be put about and discouraged
about temporal things because of apparent failures, nor should we be
disheartened by delay. We should work the soil cheerfully, hopefully,
gratefully, believing that the earth holds in her bosom rich stores for
the faithful worker to garner, richer than gold or silver. The
niggardliness laid to her charge is false witness. With proper,
intelligent cultivation the earth will yield its treasures for the benefit
of man.
The spiritual lessons to be learned are of
no mean order. The seeds of truth sown in the soil of the heart will not
all be lost, but will spring up, first the blade, then the ear, and then
the corn in the ear. God said in the beginning, "Let the earth bring forth
grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit." God
created the seed as He did the earth, by the divine word. We are to
exercise our reasoning powers in the cultivation of the earth, and to have
faith in the word of God that has created the fruit of the earth for the
service of man.
The cultivation of our lands requires the
exercise of all the brainpower and tact we possess. The lands around us
testify to the indolence of men. We hope to arouse to action the dormant senses. We
hope to see intelligent farmers, who will be rewarded for their earnest
labor. The hand and heart must cooperate, bringing new and sensible plans
into operation in the cultivation of the soil. We have here seen the giant
trees felled and uprooted, we have seen the plowshare pressed into the
earth, turning deep furrows for the planting of young trees and the sowing
of the seed. The students are learning what plowing means, and that the
hoe and the shovel, the rake and the harrow, are all implements of
honorable and profitable industry. Mistakes will often be made, but error
lies close beside truth. Wisdom will be learned by failures, and the
energy that will make a beginning gives hope of success in the end.
Hesitation will keep things back, precipitancy will alike retard, but all
will serve as lessons if the human agents will have it so.
In the school that is started here in
Cooranbong, we look to see real success in agricultural lines, combined
with a study of the sciences. We mean for this place to be a center, from
which shall irradiate light, precious advanced knowledge that shall result
in the working of unimproved lands, so that hills and valleys shall
blossom like the rose. For both children and men, labor combined with
mental taxation will give the right kind of all-round education. The
cultivation of the mind will bring tact and fresh incentives to the
cultivation of the soil.
There will be a new presentation of men as
breadwinners, possessing educated, trained ability to work the soil to
advantage. Their minds will not be overtaxed and strained to the uttermost
with the study of the sciences. Such men will break down the foolish
sentiments that have prevailed in regard to manual labor. An influence
will go forth, not in loud-voiced oratory, but in real inculcation of ideas.
We shall see farmers who are not coarse and rough and slack, careless of
their apparel and of the appearance of their homes; but they will bring
taste into farmhouses. Rooms will be sunny and inviting. We shall not see
blackened ceilings, covered with cloth full of dust and dirt. Science,
genius, intelligence, will be manifest in the home. The cultivation of the
soil will be regarded as elevating and ennobling. Pure, practical religion
will be manifested in treating the earth as God's treasure-house. The more
intelligent a man becomes, the more should religious influence be
radiating from him. And the Lord would have us treat the earth as a
precious treasure, lent us in trust.
Less of Self
Testimonies to Ministers and Workers - series A, NO. 4, 1895, pgs 20-25.)
Granville, Australia, September 13, 1895.
There must certainly be a change in our
ministers. In heart and character there must be more of Christ and less of
self. We are to be representatives of our Lord. Those who have had great
light and precious opportunities are accountable to God, who has given to
every man his work. They are never to betray the sacred trust, but are to
be indeed the light of the world.
"Herein is love, not that we loved God,
but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our
sins." Here is language that expresses His mind toward a corrupt and
idolatrous people: "How shall I give thee up, Ephraim? how shall I deliver
thee, Israel? how shall I make thee as
Admah? how shall I set thee as Zeboim? Mine heart is turned within Me, My
repentings are kindled together." Must He give up the people for whom such
a provision has been made, even His only-begotten Son, the express image
of Himself? God permits His Son to be delivered up for our offenses. He
Himself assumes toward the Sin Bearer the character of a judge, divesting
Himself of the endearing qualities of a father.
Herein His love commends itself in the
most marvelous manner to the rebellious race. What a sight for angels to
behold! What a hope for man, "that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died
for us"! The just suffered for the unjust; He bore our sins in His own
body on the tree. "He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up
for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"
As witnesses chosen of God, do we value
Christ's purchased possession? Are we ready to make any and every
sacrifice within our power, to place ourselves under Christ's yoke, to
cooperate with Him and to be laborers together with God? All who are
bearing the test of God, obeying His commandments, love the perishing
human race as Christ loved them. They follow the example of Christ in most
earnest, self-sacrificing labor, to seek out in the highways and hedges
the high and the low, the rich and the poor, and to bear to all the
message that they are the objects of Christ's special love and guardian
Work for All
So great is the natural blindness and
ignorance of men in regard to God and to the Saviour that everyone who
loves Jesus may find work to do. Not one who has true love for Christ will
remain indifferent and indolent. There is a marked difference
between the character and life of those who are obedient to all the
commandments of God, and of those who are disobedient.
Parents have not restrained the
selfishness of their children. Self-indulgence has been the object of
pursuit. Through self-serving, multitudes are bound in servitude to Satan.
They are the slaves of their own impulses and passions, which are under
the control of the wicked one. In calling them to His service, God offers
them freedom. Obedience to God is liberty from the thralldom of sin,
deliverance from human passion and impulse.
But we have to meet and contend with men
who employ all their power in slandering those who are loyal to God. Their
wit and their God-given reason are devoted to making it appear that
obedience to the commandments of God is an irksome service. But those who
advocate the claims of the law of God testify, "Great peace have they
which love Thy law: and nothing shall offend them." "The law of the Lord
is perfect, converting the soul." The Lord presents truth in contrast with
error, and presents also the sure result of accepting truth, the
experience that always follows willing obedience. It is peace and rest.
The work before the servants of God is to
present Jesus. The work for the ministers of Christ is to hang their
helpless souls upon His merit. Men who turn away from the path of
obedience and make transgression of the law of God a virtue are under the
inspiration of the archdeceiver. They are blinded by his power. They need
to have before them a representation of what the truth can do in enabling
men to preserve a Christlike temper when tempted to become imperious and
impatient. The enemies of the truth want to provoke those who teach the
binding claims of the law of God. If there is retaliation on our part,
Satan's hosts triumph. He has found a weak place in the armor. By their
mean course of action the agents of Satan try to tempt the advocates of
truth to say and do things that will not be commendable.
Treatment of Opposition
Fine perceptions, nobility of soul, are to
be cherished; the spirit of truth and righteousness is to control our
deportment, our words, and our pens. "The natural man receiveth not the
things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither
can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." If the minister
when before his congregation sees a disbelieving smile upon the faces of
opponents, let him be as one who sees not. If any should be so impolite as
to laugh and sneer, let not the minister, by voice or attitude, reflect
the same spirit. Show that you handle no such weapons. The pen so often
traces words that are sharp, and by repeating the statements of the
advocates of error, our brethren sometimes give currency to the error.
This is a mistake. Let your pen trace advanced truth.
The Holy spirit does not work with men who
love to be sharp and critical. That spirit has been cherished in meeting
debaters, and some have formed the habit of squaring for combat. God is
dishonored in this. Keep back the sharp thrusts; do not learn in Satan's
school his methods of warfare. The Holy Spirit does not inspire the words
of censure. A time of trouble is before us, and every honest soul who has
not had the light of truth will then take a stand for Christ. Those who
believe the truth are to be newly converted every day. Then they will be
vessels unto honor.
Proper Manner of Meeting Opponents
Do not repeat the words of your opponents,
or enter into controversy with them. You meet not merely the men, but
Satan and his angels. Christ did not bring against Satan a railing
accusation concerning the body of Moses. If the world's Redeemer, who
understood the crooked, deceptive arts of Satan, durst not bring against
him a railing accusation, but in holiness and humility said, "The Lord
rebuke thee, O Satan," is it not wise for His servants to follow His
example? Will finite human beings take a course that Christ shunned
because it would afford Satan occasion to pervert, misrepresent, and
falsify the truth?
Personalities to Be Avoided
In this period of the world's history we
have altogether too great a work to begin a new kind of warfare in meeting
the supernatural power of satanic agencies. We must put aside
personalities, however we may be tempted to take advantage of words or
actions. In patience we must possess our souls. Brethren, make it manifest
that you are wholly on the Lord's side. Let the truth of God's Holy Word
reveal transgression and sin and manifest the sanctifying power of truth
upon human hearts. A haughty spirit must not come in to mar the work of
God. We have reason for gratitude to God every moment that we have the
privilege of connecting with God.
There is need of contrition of soul every
day, and the Lord declares the great advantage of everyone who will humble
his heart and hide in Jesus. "Thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy
place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to
revive the heart of the contrite ones." "To this man will I look, even to
him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at My word." "The
Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be
of a contrite spirit." "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and
saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encampeth round
about them that fear Him, and delivereth them."
Let those who hate the law of the Lord
rave and pour out their anathemas against such as have moral courage to
receive and live the truth. The Lord is our strength. It is safe for us
not to build up self, but to let the Lord work His will in and by and
through us. Let us preserve a contrite, humble spirit, which the Lord will
Value of Counsel and Advice
Self-esteem and self-flattery will be sure
to stir up in the heart resentment against any who venture to question
one's course of action. Everything like counsel or advice is resented with
indignation as a design to bruise and wound. This spirit cherished will
lead to numerous evils. None will venture to tell you when you err,
because the faithful one would be regarded as an enemy. Thus the kindness
that should exist between brethren in the faith is killed because of the
jealous interpretation put upon the God-fearing cautions given. Undue
stress is laid upon words, imagination exaggerates the matter and creates
Nevertheless we must not suffer wrong upon
a brother. Self-sufficiency must be overcome. Love of applause must be
seen as a snare. There is always danger of making grave blunders through
conceit of our own wisdom and qualifications. Let
these qualifications reveal their true value, and they will be
Spirit of Union and Equality Among Laborers
I am urged by the Spirit of God to counsel
my brethren to unite with one another in labor. Love as brethren, be
pitiful, be courteous, be true as steel to one another, but crush that
feeling of superiority over your brother ministers which leads one to feel
that he cannot link up with others in labor. No one man should feel that
he must do the whole work. However experienced or well qualified he may
be, there is need of other talents to unite with his. It is a mistake to
think that one man's train of thought will accomplish the work for all
hearts in a religious effort. Men of different minds are needed, men whose
hearts are tenderly led out to win souls. Different methods of labor are
really essential in sowing the seeds of truth and gathering in the
harvest. It is often the case that men of the humblest ability will reach
hearts that have been steeled against another man's labors. Much praying
is essential. The soul's drawing nigh to God in communion means God's
drawing nigh to the soul that is seeking Him. There needs to be greater
devotion of heart and life in service to God.
Counsel Together
Testimonies to Ministers and Workers - series A, NO. 5, 1896, pgs 3-7.)
The greatest work is before us. The peril
which threatens our usefulness, and which will prove our ruin if not seen
and overcome, is selfishness--placing a higher estimate upon our plans,
our opinions, and our labors, and moving independently of our brethren.
"Counsel together" have been the words repeated by the angels again and
Satan may move through one man's mind to
warp things out of their proper channel; he may succeed with two who view
things in a similar light; but with several minds enlisted there is
greater safety against his wiles. Every plan will be more liable to be
viewed from all sides, every advance will be more carefully studied, so
that no enterprise will be so likely to be entered upon which will bring
confusion and perplexity and defeat to the work in which we are engaged.
In union there is strength; in division there is weakness and defeat.
God is leading out a people and fitting
them for translation. Are we who are acting a part in this work standing
as sentinels for God? Are we uniting our forces: Are we willing to become
servants of all? Are we imitating the great Pattern?
Proper Methods in Labor
The truth cannot be introduced in any
haphazard way among the colored people, neither can advice be given to the
believers and to those who teach the truth, to be presumptuous. When the
period comes in the Southern States to do as did the three worthies who
refused to bow to Nebuchadnezzar's image, that time will present decisions
for or against the commandments of God. There is no need of closing up our
own way wholly. It will be made more difficult to work the many fields
that have not yet been touched. Our policy is, Do not make prominent the
objectionable features of our faith, which strike most decidedly against
the practices and customs of the people, until the Lord shall give the
people a fair chance to know that we are believers in Christ, that we do
believe in the divinity of Christ and in His preexistence. Let the
testimony of the world's Redeemer be dwelt upon. "I Jesus have sent Mine
angel to testify unto you these things in the churches." There is need of
strictly guarding the word that the pen traces upon paper. The Lord help
us to learn in the school of Christ His meekness and lowliness.
If the Majesty of heaven guarded His every
word lest He should stir up the spirit of Satan and the fallen angels, how
much more careful should we be in all things!
Correct Principles
I must speak to my brethren, nigh and afar
off. I cannot hold my peace. They are not working on correct principles.
Those who stand in responsible positions must not feel that their position
of importance makes them men of infallible judgment. All the works of men
are under the Lord's jurisdiction. It will be altogether safe for men to
consider that there is knowledge with the Most High. Those who trust in
God and His wisdom, and not in their own, are walking in safe paths. They
will never feel that they are authorized to muzzle even the ox that treads
out the grain; and how offensive it is for men to control the human agent
who is in partnership with God and to whom the Lord Jesus has said: "Come
unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn
of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your
souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." "We are laborers
together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building."
Our Duty to Extend the Work
Let forces be set at work to clear new
ground, to establish new, living interests wherever an opening can be
found. Let men learn how to pray earnestly, short and right to the point.
Let them learn to speak of the world's Redeemer, to lift up the Man of
Calvary higher and still higher. Transplant trees out of your thickly
planted nursery. God is not glorified in centering such immense advantages
in one place. We need wise nurserymen who will transplant trees to
different localities and give them advantages whereby they may grow. It is
a positive duty to go into regions beyond. Rally workers who possess true
missionary zeal, and let them go forth to diffuse light and knowledge far
and near. Let them take the living principles of health reform into
communities that to a large degree are ignorant of what they should do.
Let men and women teach these principles to classes that cannot have the
advantages of the large sanitarium at Battle Creek. It is a fact that the
truth of heaven has come to the notice of thousands through the influence
of the sanitarium, yet there is a work to be done that has been neglected.
We are encouraged as we see the work that is being done in Chicago, and in
a few other places. But years ago the large responsibility that is
centered in Battle Creek should have been distributed.
The people are encouraged to center in
Battle Creek, and they pay their tithe and give their influence to the
building up of a modern Jerusalem that is not after God's order. In this work other places are cut
off from facilities which they should have. Enlarge ye, spread, yes; but
not in one place. Go out and establish centers of influence in places
where nothing, or next to nothing, has been done. Break up your
consolidated mass; diffuse the saving beams of light and shed light into
the darkened corners of the earth. A work needs to be done something like
that which is described as an eagle stirring up her nest. "Moab hath been
at ease from his youth, and he hath settled on his lees, and hath not been
emptied from vessel to vessel, neither hath he gone into captivity:
therefore his taste remained in him, and his scent is not changed." This
is true of many Christians who are coming into Battle Creek. Many have a
spasmodic zeal, but it is like a meteor that flashes across the heavens
and goes out.
Let God's own workmen who have His cause
at heart do something for the Southern field. Let not God's stewards be
content with just touching it with their fingers' ends. Let those at the
heart of the work plan for the field in earnest. You have talked about it;
but what are you doing as the stewards of God's means?
Has God given us a work to do? Has God
bidden us to go amid opposing influences and convert men from error to
truth? Why have not the men and women who have so frequently gathered to
the large assemblies in Battle Creek put into practice the truth which
they have heard? If they had imparted the light which they had received,
what a transformation of character we would have seen! For every grace
imparted God would have given grace. The work that has been done for them
has not been prized as it should have been, or they would have gone forth
into the darkened places of the earth and shed abroad the light which God
has shed upon them. They would have given to the world the message of the
righteousness of Christ through faith, and their own light
would have become clearer and clearer, for God would have worked with
them. Many have gone into the grave in error, simply because those who
professed the truth have failed to communicate the precious knowledge they
have received. If the light that has shone in superabundance in Battle
Creek had been diffused we would have seen many raised up to become
laborers together with God.
The Evil of Long Sermons
Testimonies to Ministers and Workers - series A, NO. 5, 1896, pgs 7-9.)
Dear Brother-----:
Those who shall be mouthpieces for God
should know that their lips have been touched with a live coal from off
the altar, and present the truth in the demonstration of the Spirit. But
lengthy discourses are a taxation to the speaker and a taxation to the
hearers who have to sit so long. One half the matter presented would be of
more benefit to the hearer than the large mass poured forth by the
speaker. That which is spoken in the first hour is of far more value if
the sermon closes then than the words that are spoken in an added half
hour. There is a burying up of the matter that has been presented.
This subject has been opened to me again
and again that our ministers were making mistakes in talking so long as to
wear away the first forcible impression made upon the hearers. So large a
mass of matter is presented, which they cannot possibly retain and digest,
that all seems confused. I have kept this before our ministering
brethren, and begged them not to lengthen out their discourses. Some
improvement has been made on this ground with the very best results. But
few discourses have exceeded an hour.
While in America the light was given me in
the night season concerning yourself. You had been speaking at great
length, and still felt that you had not said all you wished to say, and
were asking for a little more time. One of dignity and authority stepped
before you, as you stood in the pulpit, and said: You have given the
people a large amount of matter to consider; one half of what you have
given would be of much greater profit than the whole. If energized by the
Holy Spirit, it must make an impression on the human hearer. The Holy
Spirit works the man, but if there are vital points to be made which are
essential to be carried away by the hearer, a train of words is effacing
that strong impression, pouring into the vessel more than it can retain,
and is so much effort lost. To reserve the last half to be presented when
the mind is fresh to receive it will be gathering up the fragments that
nothing be lost.
The truth is a precious, vitalizing power.
It is the entrance of the word that giveth light and understanding unto
the simple. The truth should be spoken clearly, slowly, forcibly, that it
may impress the hearer. When the truth in any line is presented it is
essential for it to be understood, that all its precious food, the bread
of life, the manna from heaven, may be received. Let every fragment be
gathered up, that nothing be lost. In the presentation of the truth in
preaching the word it is of consequence that nothing should be lost to the
receptive hearer. The Lord Jesus is represented by the Holy Spirit, and is
seeking to secure admission to the mind, and conviction comes to the
heart and conscience; but the overmuch matter that is given is detrimental
in its effect, it effaces the impression previously made. Speak short, and
you will create an interest to hear again and again.
It is especially true that new and
startling themes should not be presented to the people at too great
length. In every address given, let there be an application of truth to
the heart that whosoever may hear shall understand, and that men, women,
and youth may become alive unto God. Try to lead all, from the least to
the greatest, to search the word; for the knowledge of His glory is to
fill the whole earth as the waters cover the sea.
Knowing God
Testimonies to Ministers and Workers - series A, NO. 3, 1896, pgs 15-20.)
"Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of
Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us
through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Grace and
peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus
our Lord." These precious words are spoken to those who have obtained like
precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour
Jesus Christ. In order to realize the greatness of the promise, we must
know by experimental knowledge who is back of the promise. "Thus saith the
Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man
glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: but let him
that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I
am the Lord which exercise loving-kindness,
judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight,
saith the Lord."
Qualifications Essential for the Work of God
In His word the Lord enumerates the gifts
and graces that are indispensable for all who connect with His work. He
does not teach us to ignore learning or despise education; for when
controlled by the love and fear of God, intellectual culture is a
blessing; yet this is not presented as the most important qualification
for the service of God. Jesus passed by the wise men of His time, the men
of education and position, because they were so proud and self-sufficient
in their boasted superiority that they could not sympathize with suffering
humanity and become colaborers with the Man of Nazareth. In their bigotry
they scorned to be taught by Christ. The Lord Jesus would have men
connected with His work who appreciate that work as sacred; then they can
cooperate with God. They will be unobstructed channels through which His
grace can flow. The attributes of the character of Christ can be imparted
to those only who distrust themselves. The highest scientific education
cannot in itself develop a Christlike character. The fruits of true wisdom
come from Christ alone.
Every worker should test his own
qualifications by the word of God. Have the men who are handling sacred
things a clear understanding, a right perception, of things of eternal
interest? Will they consent to yield to the working of the Holy Spirit? or
do they permit themselves to be controlled by their own hereditary and
cultivated tendencies? It becomes all to examine themselves whether they
be in the faith.
Position and Responsibility
Those who occupy positions of trust in the
work of God should ever bear in mind that these positions involve great
responsibility. The right performance of the solemn work for this time and
the salvation of the souls connected with us in any way depend in a great
degree upon our own spiritual condition. All should cultivate a vivid
sense of their responsibility; for their own present well-being and their
eternal destiny will be decided by the spirit they cherish. If self is
woven into the work, it is as the offering of strange fire in the place of
the sacred. Such workers incur the displeasure of the Lord. Brethren,
remove your hands from the work, unless you can distinguish the sacred
fire from the common.
Those who have stood as representative men
are not all Christian gentlemen. There is prevalent a spirit that seeks
the mastery over others. Men regard themselves as authority, they express
their opinions and pass resolutions about matters of which they have no
experimental knowledge. Some who are connected with the publishing house
at ----- pass through the office, speaking with different ones, giving
directions which they suppose it proper for them to give, when they do not
understand what they are talking about.
Injustice and Dishonesty
Great injustice and even dishonesty have
been committed in the board meetings in bringing matters before those who
have not an experience that will enable them to be competent judges.
Manuscripts have been placed in the hands of men for criticism, when the
eyes of their understanding were so blinded that they could not discern the spiritual import of
the subject with which they were dealing. More than this, they had no real
knowledge of bookmaking. They had had neither study nor practice in the
line of literary productions. Men have sat in judgment upon books and
manuscripts unwisely placed in their hands when they should have declined
to serve in any such capacity. It would have been only honest for them to
say: "I have had no experience in this line of work, and should certainly
do injustice to myself and to others in giving my opinion. Excuse me,
brethren; instead of instructing others, I need that someone should teach
me." But this was far from their thoughts. They expressed themselves
freely in regard to subjects of which they knew nothing. Conclusions have
been accepted as the opinions of wise men, when they were simply the
opinions of novices.
The time has come when in the name and
strength of God the church must act for the good of souls and for the
honor of God. A lack of firm faith and of discernment in sacred things
should be regarded as sufficient to debar any man from connection with the
work of God. So also the indulgence of a quick temper, a harsh,
overbearing spirit, reveals that its possessor should not be placed where
he will be called to decide weighty questions that affect God's heritage.
A passionate man should have no part to act in dealing with human minds.
He cannot be trusted to shape matters which have a relation to those whom
Christ has purchased at an infinite price. If he undertakes to manage men,
he will hurt and bruise their souls; for he has not the fine touch, the
delicate sensibility, which the grace of Christ imparts. His own heart
needs to be softened, subdued by the Spirit of God; the heart of stone has
not become a heart of flesh.
All are to Represent Christ
Those who are thus misrepresenting Christ
are placing a wrong mold upon the work, for they encourage all who are
connected with them to do as they do. For their soul's sake, for the sake
of those who are in danger from their influence, they should resign their
positions; for the record will appear in heaven that the wrongdoer has the
blood of many souls upon his garments. He has caused some to become
exasperated, so that they have given up the faith; others have been imbued
with his own satanic attributes, and the evil done it is impossible to
estimate. Those only who make it manifest that their hearts are being
sanctified through the truth should be retained in positions of trust in
the Lord's work.
Let all consider that whatever their
employment, they are to represent Christ. With steadfast purpose let every
man seek to have the mind of Christ. Especially should those who have
accepted the position of directors or counselors feel that they are
required to be in every respect Christian gentlemen. While in dealing with
others we are always to be faithful, we should not be rude. The souls with
whom we have to do are the Lord's purchased possession, and we are to
permit no hasty, overbearing expression to escape the lips.
Brethren, treat men as men, not as
servants to be ordered about at your pleasure. He who indulges a harsh,
overbearing spirit might better become a tender of sheep as did Moses, and
thus learn what it means to be a true shepherd. Moses gained in Egypt an
experience as a mighty statesman and as a leader of the armies, but he did
not there learn the lessons essential for true greatness. He needed an
experience in more humble duties, that he might become a caretaker, tender toward every living thing. In
keeping the flocks of Jethro his sympathies were called out to the sheep
and lambs, and he learned to guard these creatures of God with the
gentlest care. Although their voice could never complain of mistreatment,
yet their attitude might show much. God cares for all the creatures He has
made. In working for God in this lowly station, Moses learned to be a
tender shepherd for Israel.
Depending Upon God
The Lord would have us learn a lesson also
from the experience of Daniel. There are many who might become mighty men
if like this faithful Hebrew they would depend upon God for grace to be
overcomers, and for strength and efficiency in their labors. Daniel
manifested the most perfect courtesy, both toward his elders and toward
the youth. He stood as a witness for God, and sought to take such a course
that he might not be ashamed for heaven to hear his words or to behold his
works. When Daniel was required to partake of the luxuries of the king's
table, he did not fly into a passion, neither did he express a
determination to eat and drink as he pleased. Without speaking one word of
defiance, he took the matter to God. He and his companions sought wisdom
from the Lord, and when they came forth from earnest prayer their decision
was made. With true courage and Christian courtesy, Daniel presented the
case to the officer who had them in charge, asking that they might be
granted a simple diet. These youth felt that their religious principles
were at stake, and they relied upon God, whom they loved and served. Their
request was granted, for they had obtained favor with God and with men.
Men in every position of trust need to
take their place in the school of Christ, and heed the injunction of the Great Teacher: "Learn of Me; for I
am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My
yoke is easy, and My burden is light." We have no excuse for manifesting
one wrong trait of character. "Not by might, nor by power, but by My
Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." In your dealing with others, whatever
you see or hear that needs to be corrected, first seek the Lord for wisdom
and grace, that in trying to be faithful you may not be rude. Ask Him to
give you the gentleness of Christ; then you will be true to your duty,
true to your position of trust, and true to God, a faithful steward,
overcoming natural and acquired tendencies to evil.
None but a wholehearted Christian can be a
perfect gentleman; but if Christ is abiding in the soul His spirit will be
revealed in the manner, the words, and the actions. Gentleness and love
cherished in the heart will appear in self-denial, in true courtesy. Such
workers will be the light of the world.
The Need of Spiritual Discernment
Testimonies to Ministers and Workers - series A, NO. 6, 1896, pgs 3-17.)
On the steamer "Alameda" on the broad
November 17, 1891.
Redemption is part of the divine nature.
It is the prerogative of God to have to reconstruct, not to destroy. The
Son of God was given to die before the foundation of the world. The
existence of sin is unexplainable; therefore not a soul knows what God is
until he sees himself in the light reflected from the cross of Calvary, and detests himself as a sinner
in the bitterness of his soul. When his soul cries out in great need for a
sin-pardoning Saviour, then God is revealed as gracious, full of
compassion and forgiveness and love, long-suffering and patience.
Individually, as church members, we are, if faithful servants of Jesus
Christ, laborers together with God. When one is bruised by the enemy and
wounded and commits error, as faithful and true to the Master, as workers
together with God, we must take up the missionary work next to us, we must
work to heal, not to ruin and to destroy. The hope we have in Christ is
because we are sinners. We have a right to claim a Saviour. Then when
there are those in any of our institutions associated together who err,
let not men act the part of denouncing, condemning, and destroying, as
though they were faultless.
It is the work of the Christian to mend,
to restore, to heal. This healing process saves many a soul and hides a
multitude of sins. God is love; God is, in Himself, in His essence, love.
He makes the very best of what appears an injury, and gives Satan no
occasion for triumph by making the worst appear and exposing our weakness
to our enemies. The world must not be introduced into the church, and
married to the church, forming a bond of unity. Through this means the
church will become indeed corrupt, and as stated in Revelation, "a cage of
every unclean and hateful bird."
Influence of Union With Worldlings
Through association with the world our
institutions will become unsubstantial, unreliable; because these worldly
elements, introduced and placed in positions of trust, are looked up to as
teachers to be respected in their educating, directing, and official
position, and they are sure to be worked upon by the spirit and power of
darkness; so that the demarcation becomes not distinguished between him
that serveth God and him that serveth Him not. The parable is given by
Jesus Christ in regard to the field in which it was supposed had been sown
pure wheat, but the entrusted ones look upon the field with
disappointment, and inquire, "Didst not thou sow good seed in thy field?
from whence then hath it tares?" The master of the vineyard answers, "An
enemy hath done this."
Thus hath it been presented to me in
regard to the Rural Health Retreat. I had a message of warning. I spoke
with earnestness, and I know the Lord put His Holy Spirit upon me while I
presented the danger of association with and love of the world. The worldling is ever on the watch to criticize and accuse those who serve
God. This will reveal itself in the querulous complaining of professed
Christians, who have never been transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ.
They are deadly enemies to those who believe. They despise the Sabbath of
the fourth commandment, and if they can make it appear that those who are
striving to obey the commandments of God are faulty, Satan has cast his
arrow, and now what? He has shown his accusing power; but his cruel
thrusts will do little harm if the professed believers will stand true to
the words of Christ, and be doers of His word and not hearers only. Those
to whom these complaints are made are under bonds to Jesus Christ to love
and respect and be faithful to one another who are united to Christ in
church fellowship. To unite with the faultfinding element, to be accusers of
the brethren, to take up the reproach they lay at your door is seconding
the work of the enemy by playing yourself into his hands to make his work
a success.
Why Christ was Hated
I presented the matter before the hearers
that Jesus the Lord of life and glory was crucified to please the malice
of the Jews because the principles He presented did not coincide with
their own ideas and ambitious aims. He condemned all guile, all
underhanded work of policy for supremacy, and every unholy practice.
Pilate and Herod became friends in crucifying Christ. They pleased the
Jews in making effective their enmity against One whom Pilate proclaimed
innocent. I presented to them Judas, who betrayed his Lord for money
value; Peter, who denied Him in His humiliation in the judgment hall. A
few hours before, he had with great firmness assured his Master he would
go with Him to prison and to death; and notwithstanding Jesus' declaration
that he would, ere the cock crew, deny Him thrice, he was so
self-confident that he took not the words of Christ as verity and truth.
How little he knew himself! How soon circumstances tested his allegiance
to his Master! He denied Jesus in the very hour he should have watched
with Him in fervent prayer. When in the judgment hall he was accused of
being one of this Man's disciples, he denied; and the third time he was
accused, he emphasized his denial with cursing and swearing.
Effect of Genuine Conversion
Said Christ, "Ye shall receive power,
after that he Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses
unto Me." The look of grief and sadness
which Jesus gave Peter was not a hopeless look; it broke the heart of
Peter, who denied his Lord.
But Peter was converted, and then after
the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ when before the rulers, he
boldly declared for Jesus, and charged the rulers with these words: "But
ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted
unto you; and killed the Prince of life." There Peter shows himself
entirely a different man after his conversion than the self-confident,
boasting Peter prior to his conversion. I presented before them the voice
of the world, the enemies of Christ, saying to Christ's messengers, "Ye
should not teach in this name" and "bring this Man's blood upon us." Did
this threatening succeed? did it make cowards of the witnesses of Christ?
No; they proclaimed the message given them of God; and they were shut up
in prison, and God sent His angel to release them. The angel of the Lord
by night opened the prison doors and brought them forth, and said, "Go,
stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life."
This voice from the heavenly angels was directly opposite to that voice
from the authorities, and which should they obey? "Then Peter and the
other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.
Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for
to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are His
witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath
given to them that obey Him. When they heard that, they were cut to the
heart, and took counsel to slay them." Then Gamaliel, a doctor of the law,
pleaded in behalf of the apostles, and his words prevailed. Well, this is a little part of the words the
Lord gave me to speak to the people.
How to Treat the Erring
The words given me were of that character
that I knew the people needed, and which would benefit them if they would
hear. One discourse was upon how to treat those united with us in church
capacity if they erred. They were not to permit their minds to be affected
to action by the words of the Lord's enemies against His children. If
complaints or murmurings or charges are made they must study in Christ's
school as to the course to be pursued toward the ones of whom complaints
are made. Tell the matter between him and thee alone, and if he will not
hear, then take two or three others; if he will not hear these, tell it to
the church.
Love Not the World
The world has no part with the believers
in this work. They cannot discern the motives and principles by which
God's people are bound in their relations and dealings with one another.
We must be true, loyal soldiers in the army of Jesus Christ. All His
followers are to keep step with their Leader. They should never introduce
their secrets to, or make confidants of, the enemies of Jesus Christ in
regard to their movements or what they purpose to do in their line of
action; for it is a betrayal of sacred trusts, and is giving the enemy
every advantage. Let the counsel of the people of God be within their own
company. The enemies of Christ should not be made familiar with their
secrets, while the children of God are kept in ignorance of the very
things they ought to know. The secrets of the Lord are with them that fear
The world is the chief enemy of religion.
The satanic forces are constantly at work through the world, and those who
are professed Christians, yet associated with the world in close
fellowship, are so much one in spirit, aims, and principles of working,
that they cannot discern between him who serveth God and him who serveth
the world. The enemy works constantly to push the world to the front, to
be looked upon as superior to those who believe in Jesus, and who seek to
be doers of His word. Words of praise and flattery from worldlings are
received as sweet morsels, but the judgment of those who love this sort of
food is in accordance with the weakness which they show in this direction.
Their spiritual life is composed of just the kind of material they feed
upon. Their Christian experience is largely dependent on flattery and
human appreciation. The fear and love of God are not interwoven in their
How pitiable and sad to see men who have
known something of the Spirit of God fall so completely into the arms of
the world as to be swayed and influenced by its voice, and depend upon its
favors for strength and success! How manifestly such are alienated from
Christ, how full of self-confidence, how full of vaunting, of vanity, and
how shortsighted in regard to spirituality! How little true discernment
have they to distinguish between him who is a child of God, an heir of the
kingdom, and him who is a child of the wicked one, who is a child of
disobedience, and an enemy of God!
The Two Classes
There are only two classes in our world:
those who are obedient to Jesus Christ, who seek the Master to do His
will, and work for the attainment of the salvation of their own souls and
the soul of everyone who is associated with them who names the
name of Christ; and the children of disobedience. There are but two
classes in our world. Then listen to the words of One who knows: "Ye are
of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He
that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world:
therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them." 1 John
4:4, 5. Souls are being deluded. The fear and love of God have not a
controlling power. The world is their master, and they chase after its
delusive, flattering mirage. Listen to One who gave His life for the
world, "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have
everlasting life." He spake as never man spake. The whole of John 15
contains a most important lesson. Read it; obey it. Again, hear the voice
of God, "Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
Mingling of Believers with Unbelievers
Let not God's people in any of our
institutions sign a truce with the enemy of God and man. The duty of the
church to the world is not to come down to their ideas and accept their
opinions, their suggestions, but to heed the words of Christ through His
servant Paul, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for
what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what
communion hath light with darkness? and what concord hath Christ with
Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?" This means
in a special sense marriage with unbelievers, but it covers more ground
than this: it means in our instrumentalities ordained of God, in our
institutions for health, in our colleges, in our publishing houses.
The matter is placed before us in the
correct light. The question is asked, "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are
the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and
walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing." What does this mean-- the suggestions,
the evil workings in the children of disobedience. You are not in any case
to become contaminated with the spirit or influence of unbelievers. Be
afraid of uniting or binding up in bundles with them. Be afraid of
communicating the works connected with the Lord's cause to those who have
no part with God, or sympathy with those who love the truth of God. "And I
will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons
and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."
I raise my voice of warning against the
mingling in our institutions of the worldly element with those who
believe; we have the danger signal to sound. If in our institutions
persons are placed in positions of trust, they are educators. Others are
taught to look to these persons for instruction, and in this is a snare to
the unwary; their ideas become confused in regard to righteousness and
truth. They hear those persons who have no respect for the truth sneer and
speak disparagingly of the truth, which should be held firmly and sacredly
as truth.
When the day's work on Friday should be
planned with reference to the Sabbath of the Lord, there is Satan working
with those children of disobedience to prolong the service into the sacred
hours, and give their orders that those under their direction shall do
work on the Sabbath, and then they exult and Satan triumphs.
And when men in the highest responsible
positions make no difference between those who serve God and those who
serve Him not, they evidence that their eyes are not single to the glory
of God; therefore their whole body is full of darkness. When these men in
authority have so mingled with the spirit of worldlings that the words of
complaint from the lips of these unbelievers are gathered as verity and
truth, they know not what spirit they are of. When they encourage this
spirit, and complaints against the people of God, they evidence that they
are working on the enemy's side to belittle and humiliate those whom the
Lord loves, and that they strengthen the hands of the wicked, who are
doing an evil work. When they feel free to suffer the accusers of God's
children to plan for them against His chosen ones, they do not have Christ
to plan with them.
Deal Justly with the Erring
If one of the children of the Lord errs,
then if the men in authority are discerning spiritual things, they will
understand that their position allows no betrayal of sacred trusts on
their part, and they will not betray the cause of God into the enemy's
hands. They will not be reticent to the very ones in whom they should have
confidence, and work in silence and secrecy, and open their plans to those
who have no sympathy with the chosen people of God. If any workers in our
institutions for health are murmured against and accused by unbelievers or
believers, let the following special directions given by our Master, Jesus
Christ, be placed in mottoes all through the establishment: "Judge not,
that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be
judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to
you again."
Go to those supposed to be in error, talk
with them, not working with duplicity and hypocrisy, meeting them day by
day with apparent friendship, and at the same time plotting against them
in perfect unity with the satanic agencies at work to uproot, to tear
down, to remove from the institution the ones the unbelieving element
wants removed, while not a word is spoken with the brethren or sisters in
the faith to redeem them, to heal them, if they are in error; and if they
are not in the wrong, to vindicate the right, and put the rebuke where it
belongs--upon the plotters of an evil work, because Satan is behind the
scene. The Lord Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, likening them to sepulchers
that do not appear, hidden from sight, but full of corruption. The Lord
hates all deception, secrecy, and guile. This is Satan's work; the work of
God is open and frank. No one will work against a child of God on the
strength of the testimony of the Lord's enemy, and work after Satan's
manner--concealing himself, yet suggesting, instigating, planning in
perfect unity with the Lord's enemies.
How can the universe of heaven regard such
underhanded, cowardly work against those who love God and keep His
commandments? Members of the church may commit errors, and often make
mistakes; but they are to be dealt with kindly, tenderly, as Christ has
dealt with us. But the rebuke of God is upon all those who do the work of
God deceitfully, professedly friends of Christ, yet working in an
undercurrent style, in darkness, against those who love God. "Brethren, if
a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one
in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be
Here is our work, brethren; will we take
it up? So little of this is done that the words of the True Witness come
home to the church: "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because
thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art
fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto the
quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou
"And he showed me Joshua the high priest
standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right
hand to resist him. And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O
Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a
brand plucked out of the fire? Now Joshua was clothed with filthy
garments, and stood before the Angel." This was the appearance of Satan.
He had deceived these souls by his delusions and devices. Now these souls
had repented before God, and pardon was written against their names. Satan
was accusing them of sins, and asserting his right to do as he pleased
with them because of their transgression which he had caused them to
commit. But Jesus looked upon these souls believing in Him, trusting in
His righteousness, with the tenderest and most loving compassion. "And He
answered and spake unto those that stood before Him, saying, Take away the
filthy garments from him. And unto him He said, Behold, I have caused
thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of
raiment. And I said, Let them set a fair miter upon his head. So they set
a fair miter upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the Angel
of the Lord stood by." Shall the people of God who are placed in positions
of trust voice the words of Satan against the children of God? Let us act
as Christians, true as steel to God and His holy work; quick to discern the
devices of Satan in his hidden, deceptive workings through the children of
Our Words
"Your words have been stout against Me,
saith the Lord. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against Thee? Ye
have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have
kept His ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of
hosts? And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are
set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered." These are the words
of the unconsecrated who are separating from God, blinded by the enemy.
They cannot discern the ways and works of God. Now is represented the
opposite class: "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to
another." These words were not speaking evil of brethren, or making
complaints of God, but were words spoken from sincere hearts, words in
which were no deceit, no underhanded working, no guile. "And the Lord
hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him
for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name. And they
shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My
jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth
him. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the
wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not."
Our Strength in Union with Christ
May the Lord bless His people with
spiritual eyesight, to see that the children of God and the world can
never be in copartnership. Whosoever will be the friend of the world is the enemy of God.
While every individual should work with Christ to transform the children
of darkness by showing them the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of
the world, they cannot have overflowing sympathy with worldlings in such a
degree that they lend them their influence to carry out their suggestions
to weaken and do injustice to God's chosen ones. God does not work in this
way. In perfect and complete unity there is strength. Not in numbers, but
in the perfect trust and unity with Christ, one can chase a thousand, and
two put ten thousand to flight. Let us not form unholy bonds of union with
the friends of the world; for God has pronounced His curse upon all such
unions. Let the people of God take their stand firmly for truth and for
righteousness. Already we see the terrible consequences of uniting
believers with unbelievers. The result is, the unbelievers are given the
confidence that belongs to those only who love and revere God.
Already has the power of darkness placed
its mold and superscription upon the work that should stand forth
untainted, unpolluted from Satan's cunning devices. We lift our voice of
warning upon the social attractions by worldly bids and worldly baits.
Keep clear. Touch not the unclean thing. Let not the world's direction and
propositions be given to God's people to control them. Woe be unto him
whose wisdom is not from above but from beneath! Men of superficial piety,
by their desire to receive patronage, to obtain fame, betray the most
sacred interests into the hands of unbelievers.
Let not money be obtained by touching or
sanctioning any unclean practices. Let the grace of Christ be brought into
the heart, and if the workers be few and God can work with them in our
institutions, they will prevail. There must be no
deceiving power at work, for it is an unclean thing. There must be no
hands that are defiled. Clean hands and a pure heart God will recognize.
"For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose
name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of
a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to
revive the heart of the contrite ones."
The light of the glory of God must fall
upon us. We need the holy unction from on high. However intelligent,
however learned a man may be, he is not qualified to teach unless he has a
firm hold on the God of Israel. He who is connected with heaven will do
the works of Christ. By faith in God he will have power to move upon
humanity. He will seek for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. If
divine power does not combine with human effort, I would not give a straw
for all that the greatest man could do. The Holy Spirit is wanting in our
work.--Review and Herald, February 18, 1890.