God's Commandment-Keeping People

All heaven has been looking with intense interest upon those who claim to be God's
commandment-keeping people. Here are the people who ought to be able to claim all the rich
promises of God; who ought to be going on from glory to glory and from strength to
strength; who ought to be in a position to reflect glory to God in the works that they do.
Jesus has said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).
We have received the rich blessing of God, but we must not stop here. We are to catch
more and more the divine rays of light from heaven. We are to stand just where we can
receive the light and reflect it, in its glory, upon the pathway of others. There has
never been a time when we could feel more courage and confidence in the work than at the
present time. There are many in our world who do not keep the commandments of God or make
any profession of so doing, and yet they claim all His blessings. They are willing to
accept and appropriate His promises without heeding the conditions upon which they are
based. They have no right to the blessings they claim.
But why should not those who are keeping His commandments lay hold of the promises that
have been given to the children of God? We can see Christ's righteousness in the law. In
the cross of Calvary, "mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have
kissed each other" (Psalm
85:10). This is the blending that there should be in our work.
Truth and righteousness must be presented with the love of God as it was manifested in
Jesus. What purity will then be seen! What a cleansing of every moral defilement will be
shown to be necessary! Then, when this is done, the stubbornness of the will which has
kept so many away from the light, as they behold the preciousness of the Redeemer, His
mercy and pity, will all be melted away from their souls.
Every one of us must fall on the Rock and be broken. Will there be one who will retain
his stubbornness? Will there be one who will cling to his self-righteousness? Will there
be one who will not catch sight of the preciousness of Christ? Is there a heart here that
will not be subdued by the love of Jesus? Will any retain one particle of self-esteem?
We need to come still closer to God. . . . Why is it that our hearts have been so
insensible to the love of God? Why have we had so hard a judgement of our heavenly Father?
From the light that God has given me, I know that Satan has misrepresented our God in
every possible way. He has cast his hellish shadow athwart our pathway, that we might not
discern our God as a God of mercy, compassion, and truth. This is why the iron has entered
into our souls.
Then we have talked of the darkness that the evil one has cast upon us, and we have
bemoaned our condition; and in so doing, we have only spread the shadow over other souls,
and that which has injured us was an injury to them. As we have uttered our words of
unbelief, others have been enshrouded in darkness and doubt.
We cannot afford to do this work. We thus put our kind heavenly Father in a false
light. All this should change. We must gather up the rays of divine truth and let our
light shine upon the darkened pathway of others. Heaven's light shines for those who will
follow Christ, the light of the world. He says, "He that followeth Me shall not walk
in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8:12).
What kind of recommendation do you give to the world of the religion of Christ if you
go repining and complaining and filled with sorrow? Those who keep the commandments of God
should make it manifest that the truth is sanctifying the soul, refining and purifying the
thoughts, and elevating the character and life. Christ has died that the moral image of
God might be restored in our souls and might be reflected to those around us.
We need to drink deeper and deeper of the fountain of life. I hope that not a soul will
be satisfied without making thorough work for eternity, and from this time on may it be
seen, both by precept and example, that you are representatives of Christ. You may have a
living testimony to bear: "Hear what the Lord has done for my soul." The Lord is
ready to impart still greater blessings.
He permitted all His goodness to pass before Moses; He proclaimed His character to him
as a God full of mercy, long-suffering, and gracious--forgiving iniquity, transgression,
and sin. Moses was to represent this character to the people of Israel, and we are to do
the same.
We are to go forth to proclaim the goodness of God and to make plain His real character
before the people. We are to reflect His glory. Have we done this in the past? Have we
revealed the character of our Lord by precept and example? Have we not joined in the work
of the enemy of souls and misrepresented our heavenly Father? Have we not been passing
judgement on our brethren, criticising their words and actions? Then the love of God has
not been enthroned in our souls. Let us make a decided change.