Dudley Marvin Canright

From earliest times the True Prophets and Messengers of the Lord have had to work against a barrage of criticism and contempt heaped upon them by the ungodly or misinformed. Ellen Gould (Harmon) White was no exception. 

Often the very ones who would most uphold The Testimonies to others, would, when the rebuke fell across their own path, turn tables to become venomous adversaries of what they once advocated.

The prime example of this is found in the life of Dudley Marvin Canright, who was helped and treated almost as a son by the Whites, and later turned away and wrote and published the grossest lies and most scathing criticism of what he once advocated. What Happened to D. M. Canright? See a short Biography of this man here:

D. M. Canright: The Man Who Boarded the Phantom Ship - Download eBook:

Read his own articles promoting E.G. White here:
Ellen White and the Visions D.M. Canright - April 26, 1877
To Those in Doubting Castle D. M. Canright - Feb. 10, 1885

Because Canright's writings are still the foundation of all attacks against the work of E.G. White and the church, both in print, and on websites, we are placing online two complete books answering and responding to his false charges.

Ellen White and Her Critics PDF EBook in depth study by Francis D. Nichol

In Defense of the Faith:  "The Truth About Seventh-day Adventists"
A REPLY TO D M CANRIGHT: by William H. Branson     

Boarding The Phantom Ship