1- Appeal to Mothers
My Sisters: My apology for addressing
you on this subject is, I am a mother, and feel alarmed for those children and
youth who by solitary vice are ruining themselves for this world, and for that
which is to come. Let us closely inquire into this subject from a physical,
mental, and moral point of view.
Mothers, let us first view the results
of this vice upon the physical strength. Have you not marked the lack of
healthful beauty, of strength and power of endurance, in your dear children?
Have you not felt saddened as you have watched the progress of disease upon
them, which has baffled your skill, and that of physicians? You listen to
numerous complaints of headache, catarrh, dizziness, nervousness, pain in the
shoulders and side, loss of appetite, pain in the back and limbs, wakeful,
feverish nights, of tired feelings in the morning, and great exhaustion after
exercising? As you have seen the beauty of health disappearing, and have marked
the sallow countenance, or the unnaturally-flushed face, have you been aroused
sufficiently to look beneath the surface, to inquire into the cause of this
physical decay? Have you observed the astonishing mortality among the youth? 50
And have you not noticed that there
was a deficiency in the mental health of your children? that their course seemed
to be marked with extremes? that they were absent minded? that they started
nervously when spoken to? and were easily irritated? Have you not noticed that,
when occupied upon a piece of work, they would look dreamingly, as though the
mind was elsewhere? and when they came to their senses, they were unwilling to
own the work as coming from their hands, it was so full of mistakes, and showed
such marks of inattention? Have you not been astonished at their wonderful
forgetfulness? The most simple and oft-repeated directions would often be
forgotten. They might be quick to learn, but it would be of no special benefit
to them. The mind would not retain it. What they might learn through hard study,
when they would use their knowledge, is missing, lost through their sieve-like
memories. Have you not noticed their reluctance to engage in active labor? and
their unwillingness to perseveringly accomplish that which they have undertaken
which taxes the mental, as well as the physical, strength? The tendency of many
is to live in indolence.
Have you not witnessed the gloomy
sadness upon the countenance, and frequent exhibitions of a morose temper in
those who once were cheerful, kind, and affectionate? They are easily excited to
jealousy, disposed to look upon the dark side, and when you are laboring for
their good, imagine that you are their enemy, that you needlessly reprove and
restrain them.
And have you not inquired where will
all this end, as you have looked upon your children from a moral point of view?
Have you not noticed the increase of disobedience in children, and their
manifestations of ingratitude and impatience under restraint? Have you not been
alarmed at their disregard of parental authority, which has bowed down the
hearts of their parents with grief, and prematurely sprinkled their heads with
gray hairs? Have you not witnessed the lack of that noble frankness in your
children which they once possessed, and which you admired in them? Some children
even express in their countenances a hardened look of depravity. Have you not
felt distressed and anxious as you have seen the strong desire in your children
to be with the other sex, and the overpowering disposition they possessed to
form attachments when quite young? With your daughters, the boys have been the
theme of conversation; and with your sons, it has been the girls. They manifest
preference for particular ones, and your advice and warnings produce but little
change. Blind passion overrules sensible considerations. 52 And, although you
may check the outward manifestations, and you credit the promises of amendment,
yet, to your sorrow, you find there is no change, only to conceal the matter
from you. There are still secret attachments and stolen interviews. They follow
their willful course, and are controlled by their passions, until you are
startled by perhaps a premature marriage, or are brought to shame by those who
should, by their noble course of conduct, bring to you respect and honor. The
cases of premature marriage multiply. Boys and girls enter upon the marriage
relation with unripe love, immature judgment, without noble, elevated feelings,
and take upon themselves the marriage vows, wholly led by their boyish, girlish
passions. They choose for themselves, often without the knowledge of the mother
who has watched over them, and cared for them, from their earliest infancy.
Attachments formed in childhood have
often resulted in a very wretched union, or in a disgraceful separation. Early
connections, if formed without the consent of parents, have seldom proved happy.
The young affections should be restrained until the period arrives when
sufficient age and experience will make it honorable and safe to unfetter them.
Those who will not be restrained, will be in danger of dragging out an unhappy
existence. A youth not out of his teens is a poor judge of the fitness of a
person, as young as himself, to be his companion for life. After their judgment
has become more matured, they view themselves bound for life to each other, and
perhaps not at all calculated to make each other happy. Then, instead of making
the best of their lot, recriminations take place, the breach widens, until there
is settled indifference and neglect of each other. To them there is nothing
sacred in the word home. The very atmosphere is poisoned by unloving words and
bitter reproaches. The offspring of such are placed in a much more unfavorable
condition than were their parents. With such surroundings, such examples, what
could be expected of them if time should continue? Mothers, the great cause of
these physical, mental, and moral evils, is secret vice, which inflames the
passions, fevers the imagination, and leads to fornication and adultery. This
vice is laying waste the constitution of very many, and preparing them for
diseases of almost every description. And shall we permit our children to pursue
a course of self-destruction?
Mothers, view your children from a
religious standpoint. It gives you pain to see your children feeble in body and
mind; but does it not cause you still greater grief to see them almost dead to
spiritual things, so that they have but little desire for goodness, beauty of
character, and holy purposes? Secret vice is the destroyer of high resolve,
earnest endeavor, and strength of will to form a good religious character. All
who have any true sense of what is embraced in being a Christian, know that the
followers of Christ are under obligation as his disciples, to bring all their
passions, their physical powers and mental faculties, into perfect subordination
to his will. Those who are controlled by their passions cannot be followers of
Christ. They are too much devoted to the service of their master, the originator
of every evil, to leave their corrupt habits, and choose the service of Christ.
Godly mothers will inquire, with the
deepest concern, Will our children continue to practice habits which will unfit
them for any responsible position in this life? Will they sacrifice comeliness,
health, intellect, and all hope of Heaven, everything worth possessing, here and
hereafter, to the demon passion? May God grant that it may be otherwise; and
that our children, who are so dear to us, may listen to the voice of warning,
and choose the path of purity and holiness.
How important that we teach our
children self-control from their very infancy, and teach them the lesson of
submitting their wills to ours. If they should be so unfortunate as to learn
wrong habits, not knowing all the evil results, they can be reformed by
appealing to their reason, and convincing them that such habits ruin the
constitution, and affect the mind. We should show them that whatever persuasions
corrupt persons may use to quiet their awakened fears, and lead them still to
indulge this pernicious habit, whatever may be their pretense, they are really
their enemies and the devil's agents. Virtue and purity are of great value.
These precious traits are of heavenly origin. They make God our friend, and
unite us firmly to his throne.
Satan is controlling the minds of the
young, and we must work resolutely and faithfully to save them. Very young
children practice this vice, and it grows upon them and strengthens with their
years, until every noble faculty of body and mind is debased. Many might have
been saved if they had been carefully instructed in regard to the influence of
this practice upon their health. They were ignorant of the fact that they were
bringing much suffering upon themselves. Children who are experienced in this
vice, seem to be bewitched by the devil until they can impart their vile
knowledge to others, even teaching very young children this practice.
Mothers, you cannot be too careful in
preventing your children from learning low habits. It is easier to guard them
from evil, than for them to eradicate it after it is learned. Neighbors may
permit their children to come to your house, to spend the evening and the night
with your children. Here is a trial, and a choice for you, to run the risk of
offending your neighbors by sending their children to their own home, or gratify
them, and let them lodge with your children, and thus expose them to be
instructed in that knowledge which would be a life-long curse to them.
To save my children from being
corrupted, I have not allowed them to sleep in the same bed, nor in the same
room, with other boys, and have, as occasion has required, when traveling, made
a scanty bed upon the floor for them, rather than have them lodge with others. I
have tried to keep them from associating with rough, rude boys, and have
presented inducements before them to make their employment at home cheerful and
happy. By keeping their minds and hands occupied, they have had but little time,
or disposition, to play in the street with other boys, and obtain a street
A misfortune, which occurred when I
was about nine years old, ruined my health. I looked upon this as a great
calamity, and murmured because of it. In a few years I viewed the matter quite
differently. I then looked upon it in the light of a blessing. I regard it thus
now. Because of sickness, I was kept from society, which preserved me in
blissful ignorance of the secret vices of the young. After I was a mother, by
the private death-bed confessions of some females, who had completed the work of
ruin, I first learned that such vices existed. But I had no just conception of
the extent of this vice, and the injury the health sustained by it, until a
still later period.
The young indulge to quite an extent
in this vice before the age of puberty, without experiencing at that time, to
any very great degree, the evil results upon the constitution. But at this
critical period, while merging into manhood and womanhood, nature then makes
them feel the previous violation of her laws.
As the mother sees her daughter
languid and dispirited, with but little vigor, easily irritated, starting
suddenly and nervously when spoken to, she feels alarmed, and fears that she
will not be able to reach womanhood with a good constitution. She relieves her,
if possible, from active labor, and anxiously consults a physician, who
prescribes for her without making searching inquiries, or suggesting to the
unsuspecting mother the probable cause of her daughter's illness. Secret
indulgence is, in many cases, the only real cause of the numerous complaints of
the young. This vice is laying waste the vital forces, and debilitating the
system; and until the habit, which produced the result, is broken off, there can
be no permanent cure. To relieve the young from healthful labor, is the worst
possible course a parent can pursue. Their life is then aimless, the mind and
hands unoccupied, the imagination active, and left free to indulge in thoughts
that are not pure and healthful. In this condition they are inclined to indulge
still more freely in that vice which is the foundation of all their complaints.
Mothers, it is a crime for you to
allow yourselves to remain in ignorance in regard to the habits of your
children. If they are pure, keep them so. Fortify their young minds, and prepare
them to detest this health and soul destroying vice. Shield them, as faithful
mothers should, from becoming contaminated by associating with every young
companion. Keep them, as precious jewels, from the corrupting influence of this
age. If you are situated so that their intercourse with young associates cannot
always be overruled, as you would wish to have it, then let them visit your
children in your presence, and in no case allow these associates to lodge in the
same bed, or even in the same room. It will be far easier to prevent an evil
than to cure it afterward.
If your children practice this vice,
they may be in danger of resorting to falsehood to deceive you. But, mothers,
you must not be easily quieted, and cease your investigations. You should not
let the matter rest until you are fully satisfied. The health and souls of those
you love are in peril, which makes this matter of the greatest importance.
Determined watchfulness, and close inquiry, notwithstanding the attempts to
evade and conceal, will generally reveal the true state of the case. Then should
the mother faithfully present this subject to them in its true light, showing
its degrading, downward tendency. Try to convince them that indulgence in this
sin will destroy self-respect and nobleness of character; will ruin health and
morals, and its foul stain will blot from the soul true love for God, and the
beauty of holiness. The mother should pursue this matter until she has
sufficient evidence that the practice is at an end.
The course which most mothers pursue,
in training their children in this dangerous age, is injurious to their
children. It prepares the way to make their ruin more certain. Some mothers,
with their own hands, open the door and virtually invite the devil in, by
permitting their daughters to remain in idleness, or what is but little better,
spend their time in knitting edging, crocheting, or embroidering, 60 and employ
a hired girl to do those things their children should do. They let them visit
other young friends, form their own acquaintances, and even go from their
parental watchcare some distance from home, where they are allowed to do very
much as they please. Satan improves all such opportunities, and takes charge of
the minds of these children whom mothers ignorantly expose to his artful snares.
Because this course was pursued thirty years ago with comparative safety, it is
no evidence that it can be now. The present cannot be judged by the past.
Mothers should take their daughters
with them into the kitchen, and give them a thorough education in the cooking
department. They should also instruct them in the art of substantial sewing.
They should teach them how to cut garments economically, and put them together
neatly. Some mothers, rather than to take this trouble, to patiently instruct
their inexperienced daughters, prefer to do all themselves. But in so doing,
they leave the essential branches of education neglected, and commit a great
wrong against their children; for in after life they feel embarrassment, because
of their lack of knowledge in these things.
Mothers should educate their daughters
in regard to the laws of life. They should understand their own frame, and the
relation their eating, drinking, and every-day habits, have to health and a
sound constitution, without which the sciences would be of but little benefit.
The help of the daughters will often
make so much difference with the mother's work, that kitchen help can be
dispensed with, which will prove not only a saving of expense, but a continual
benefit to the children, by making room for them to labor, and bringing them
into the society, and under the direct influence, of their mother, whose duty it
is to patiently instruct the dear ones committed to her care. Also, a door will
be closed against much evil, which a hired girl may bring into a family. In a
few days she may exert a strong influence over the children of the family, and
initiate your daughters into the practice of deception and vice.
Children should be instructed from
their early years to be helpful, and to share the burdens of their parents. By
thus doing, they can be a great blessing in lightening the cares of the weary
mother. While children are engaged in active labor, time will not hang heavily
upon their hands, and they will have less opportunity to associate with vain,
talkative, unsuitable companions, whose evil communications might blight the
whole life of an innocent girl, by corrupting her good manners. 62
Active employment will give but little
time to invite Satan's temptations. They may be often weary, but this will not
injure them. Nature will restore their vigor and strength in their sleeping
hours, if her laws are not violated. And the thoroughly-tired person has less
inclination for secret indulgence.
Mothers allow themselves to be
deceived in regard to their daughters. If they labor, and then appear languid
and indisposed, the indulgent mother fears that she has overtaxed them, and
resolves henceforward to lighten their task. The mother bears the extra amount
of labor which should have been performed by the daughters. If the true facts in
the case of many were known, it would be seen that it was not the labor which
was the cause of the difficulty, but wrong habits which were prostrating the
vital energies, and bringing upon them a sense of weakness and great debility.
In such cases, when mothers relieve their daughters from active labor, they, by
so doing, virtually give them up to idleness, to reserve their energies. to
consume upon the altar of lust. They remove the obstacles, giving the mind more
freedom to run in a wrong channel, where they will more surely carry on the work
of self-ruin.
The state of our world is alarming.
Everywhere we look, we see imbecility, dwarfed forms, crippled limbs, misshapen
heads, and deformity of every description. Sin and crime, and the violation of
nature's laws, are the causes of this accumulation of human woe and suffering. A
large share of the youth now living are worthless. Corrupt habits are wasting
their energies, and bringing upon them loathsome and complicated diseases.
Unsuspecting parents will try the skill of physicians, one after another, who
prescribe drugs, when they generally know the real cause of the failing health;
but for fear of offending, and losing their fees, they keep silent, when, as
faithful physicians, they should expose the real cause. Their drugs only add a
second great burden for abused nature to struggle against; and in this struggle
nature often breaks down in her efforts, and the victim dies. And the friends
look upon the death as a mysterious dispensation of Providence, when the most
mysterious part of the matter is, that nature bore up as long as she did against
her violated laws. Health, reason, and life, were sacrificed to depraved lusts.
Children who practice self-indulgence
previous to puberty, or the period of merging into manhood or womanhood, must
pay the penalty of nature's violated laws at that critical period. Many sink
into an early grave, while others have sufficient force of constitution to pass
this ordeal. If the practice is continued from the age of fifteen and upward,
nature will protest against the abuse she has suffered, and continues to suffer,
and will make them pay the penalty for the transgression of her laws, especially
from the ages of thirty to forty-five, by numerous pains in the system, and
various diseases, such as affection of the liver and lungs, neuralgia,
rheumatism, affection of the spine, diseased kidneys, and cancerous humors. Some
of nature's fine machinery gives way, leaving a heavier task for the remaining
to perform, which disorders nature's fine arrangement, and there is often a
sudden breaking down of the constitution; and death is the result.
Mothers, you should give your children
enough to do. If they get weary, it will not injure health. There is quite a
difference between weariness and exhaustion. Indolence will not be favorable to
physical, mental, or moral, health. It throws open the door, and invites Satan
in, which opportunity he improves, and draws the young into his snares. By
indolence, not only the moral strength is weakened, and the impulse of passion
increased, but Satan's angels take possession of the whole citadel of the mind,
and compel conscience to surrender to vile passion. We should teach our children
habits of patient industry. We should beware of indulging them too much. When
they meet with difficulty in their labor, we must help them through it instead
of carrying them over it. It might be easier for us at the time to do the
latter; but we fail to teach a useful and valuable lesson of self-reliance to
our children, and are preparing the way to greatly increase our cares in the
end. We should awaken in our children generous, noble principles, and urge them
to active exertions, which will shield them from a multitude of temptations, and
make their lives happier.
My sisters, as mothers we are
responsible in a great degree for the physical, mental, and moral, health of our
children. We can do much by teaching them correct habits of living. We can show
them, by our example, that we make a great account of health, and that they
should not violate its laws. We should not make it a practice to place upon our
tables food which would injure the health of our children. Our food should be
prepared free from spices. Mince pies, cakes, preserves, and highly-seasoned
meats, with gravies, create a feverish condition in the system, and inflame the
animal passions. We should teach our children to practice habits of self-denial;
that the great battle of life is with self, to restrain the passions, and bring
them into subjection to the mental and moral faculties. 66
My sisters, be entreated to spend less
time over the cook-stove, preparing food to tempt the appetite, and thus wearing
out the strength given you of God to be used for a better purpose. A plain,
nourishing diet will not require so great an amount of labor. We should devote
more time to humble, earnest prayer to God, for wisdom to bring up our children
in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The health of the mind is dependent
upon the health of the body. As Christian parents, we are bound to train our
children in reference to the laws of life. We should instruct them, by precept
and example, that we do not live to eat, but that we eat to live. We should
encourage in our children a love for nobleness of mind, and a pure, virtuous
character. In order to strengthen in them the moral perceptions, the love of
spiritual things, we must regulate the manner of our living, dispense with
animal food, and use grains, vegetables, and fruits, as articles of diet.
Mothers, is there not a work for you
to do in your families? You may inquire, How can we remedy the evils which
already exist? How shall we begin the work? If you lack wisdom, go to God. He
has promised to give liberally. Pray much, and fervently, for divine aid. One
rule cannot be followed in every case. The exercise of sanctified judgment is
now needful. Be not hasty and agitated, and approach your children with censure.
Such a course would only cause rebellion in them. You should feel deeply over
any wrong course you have taken, which may have opened a door for Satan to lead
your children by his temptations. If you have not instructed them in regard to
the violation of the laws of health, blame rests upon you. You have neglected an
important duty, the result of which may be seen in the wrong practices of your
children. Before you engage in the work of teaching your children the lesson of
self-control, you should learn it yourself. If you are easily agitated, and
become impatient, how can you appear reasonable to your children while
instructing them to control their passions? With self-possession, and feelings
of the deepest sympathy and pity, you should approach your erring children, and
faithfully present to them the sure work of ruin upon their constitutions, if
they continue the course they have begun; that as they debilitate the physical
and mental, so, also, the moral must feel the decay, and they are sinning, not
only against themselves, but against God.
You should make them feel, if
possible, that it is God, the pure and holy God, that they have been sinning
against; that the great Searcher of hearts is displeased with their course; that
nothing is concealed from him. If you can so impress your children, that they
will exercise that repentance which is acceptable to God, that godly sorrow
which worketh repentance unto salvation, not to be repented of, the work will be
thorough, the reform certain. They will not feel sorrow merely because their
sins are known; but they will view their sinful practices in their aggravated
character, and will be led to confess them to God, without reserve, and will
forsake them. They will feel to sorrow for their wrong course, because they have
displeased God, and sinned against him, and dishonored their bodies before Him
who created them, and has required them to present their bodies a living
sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto him, which is their reasonable service.
"What! know ye not that your body
is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye
are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your
body, and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Cor. 6:19, 20.
You should present encouragements
before your children that a merciful God will accept true heart repentance, and
will bless their endeavors to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the
flesh and spirit. As Satan sees that he is losing control over the minds of your
children, he will strongly tempt them and seek to bind them to continue to
practice this bewitching vice. But with a firm purpose they must resist Satan's
temptations to indulge the animal passions, because it is sin against God. They
should not venture on forbidden ground, where Satan can claim control over them.
If they in humility entreat God for purity of thought, and a refined and
sanctified imagination, he will hear them, and grant their petitions. God has
not left them to perish in their sins, but will help the weak and helpless, if
they cast themselves in faith upon him. Those who have been in the practice of
secret indulgence until they have prostrated their physical and mental strength,
may never fully recover from the result of the violation of nature's laws; but
their only salvation in this world, and that which is to come, depends upon
entire reform. Every deviation is making recovery more hopeless. None should be
discouraged if they perceive no decided improvement in their health after the
habit has been broken off for quite a length of time. If nature's laws have not
been too long abused, she will carry on her restoring process, although it may
not be immediately realized. But some have so long abused nature that she cannot
recover entirely. Such must reap as long as they live, to a greater or less
degree, the fruit of their doings. 70
We do not charge all
the youth who are feeble of being guilty of wrong habits. There are those who
are pure-minded and conscientious, who are sufferers from different causes over
which they have no control.
The only sure safety for our children
against every vicious practice is, to seek to be admitted into the fold of
Christ, and to be taken under the watchcare of the faithful and true Shepherd.
He will save them from every evil, shield them from all dangers, if they will
heed his voice. He says, "My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me."
In Christ they will find pasture, obtain strength and hope, and will not be
troubled with restless longings for something to divert the mind, and satisfy
the heart. They have found the pearl of great price, and the mind is at peaceful
rest. Their pleasures are of a pure, elevated, heavenly character. They leave no
painful reflections, no remorse. Such pleasures do not enfeeble the body, nor
prostrate the mind, but give health and vigor to both.
Communion with, and love for, God, the
practice of holiness, the destruction of sin, are all pleasant. The reading of
God's word does not fascinate the imagination, and inflame the passions, like a
fictitious story book, but softens, soothes, elevates, and sanctifies, the
heart. When the youth are in trouble, when assailed by fierce temptations, they
have the privilege of prayer. What an exalted privilege! Finite beings, of dust
and ashes, admitted, through the mediation of Christ, into the audience-chamber
of the Most High. In such exercises the soul is brought into a sacred nearness
with God, and is renewed in knowledge, and true holiness, and fortified against
the assaults of the enemy.
No matter how high a person's
profession, those who are willing to be employed in gratifying the lust of the
flesh, cannot be Christians. As servants of Christ, their employment, and
meditations, and pleasure, should consist in things more excellent.
Many are ignorant of the sinfulness of
these habits, and their certain results. Such need to be enlightened. Some who
profess to be followers of Christ, know that they are sinning against God and
ruining their health, yet they are slaves to their own corrupt passions. They
feel a guilty conscience, and have less and less inclination to approach God in
secret prayer. They may keep up the form of religion, yet be destitute of the
grace of God in the heart. They have no devotedness to his service, no trust in
him, no living to his glory, no pleasure in his ordinances, and no delight in
him. The first commandment requires every living being to love and serve God
with all the might, mind, and strength. 72 Especially should professed
Christians understand the principles of acceptable obedience.
Can any expect that God will accept a
profession, a form, merely, while the heart is withheld, and they refuse to obey
his commandments? They sacrifice physical strength and reason upon the altar of
lust, and can they think that God will accept their distracted, imbecile
service, while they continue their wrong course? Such are just as surely
self-murderers as though they pointed a pistol to their own breast, and
destroyed their life instantly. In the first case they linger longer, are more
debilitated, and destroy gradually the vital force of their constitution, and
the mental faculties; yet the work of decay is sure. While they live, they curse
the earth with their imbecile influence, are a stumbling-block to sinners, and
cause their friends living sorrow, and an immeasurable weight of anxiety and
care as they mark the signs of their decay, and have daily evidence of their
impaired intellect.
To take one's life instantly is no
greater sin in the sight of Heaven than to destroy it gradually, but surely.
Persons who bring upon themselves sure decay by wrong-doing, will suffer the
penalty here, and, without a thorough repentance, will not be admitted into
Heaven hereafter, any sooner than the one who destroys life instantly. The will
of God establishes the connection between cause and its effects. Fearful
consequences are attached to the least violation of God's law. All will seek to
avoid the result, but will not labor to avoid the cause which produced the
result. The cause is wrong, the effect right, the knowledge of which is to
restrain the transgressor.
The inhabitants of Heaven are perfect,
because the will of God is their joy and supreme delight. Many here destroy
their own comfort, injure their health, and violate a good conscience, because
they will not cease to do wrong. The injunction to mortify the deeds of the
body, with its affections and lusts, has no effect upon them. They profess
Christ, but are not his followers, and never can be until they cease their
wrong-doing, and work the work of righteousness.
Females possess less vital force than
the other sex, and are deprived very much of the bracing, invigorating air, by
their in-door life. The result of self-abuse in them is seen in various
diseases, such as catarrh, dropsy, headache, loss of memory and sight, great
weakness in the back and loins, affections of the spine, and frequently, inward
decay of the head. Cancerous humor, which would lie dormant in the system their
lifetime, is inflamed, and commences its eating, destructive work. The mind is
often utterly ruined, and insanity supervenes. 74
The only hope for those who practice
vile habits is to leave them forever, if they place any value upon health here,
and salvation hereafter. When these habits have been indulged in for quite a
length of time, it requires a determined effort to resist temptation, and refuse
the corrupt indulgence. Those who destroy themselves by their own acts will
never have eternal life. They that will continue to abuse the health and life
given them of God in this world, would not make a right use of health and
immortal life were they granted them in God's everlasting kingdom.
The practice of secret habits surely
destroys the vital forces of the system. All unnecessary vital action will be
followed by corresponding depression. Among the young, the vital capital, and
the brain, are so severely taxed at an early age, that there is a deficiency and
great exhaustion, which leave the system exposed to diseases of various kinds.
But the most common of these is consumption. None can live when their vital
energies are used up. They must die. God hates everything impure, and his frown
is upon all who give themselves up to gradual and sure decay.
"Know ye not that ye are the
temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the
temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which
temple ye are." 1 Cor. 3: 16, 17.
Those who corrupt their own bodies
cannot enjoy the favor of God, until they sincerely repent, make an entire
reform, and perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord. None can be Christians and
indulge in habits which debilitate the system, bring on a state of prostration
of the vital forces, and end in making a complete wreck of beings formed in the
image of God. This moral pollution will certainly bring its reward. The cause
must produce the results. Those who profess to be disciples of Christ should be
elevated in all their thoughts and acts, and should ever realize that they are
fitting for immortality, and that, if saved, they must be without spot, or
wrinkle, or any such thing. Their Christian character must be without a blemish,
or they will be pronounced unfit to be taken to a holy Heaven, to dwell with
pure, sinless beings in God's everlasting kingdom.
It is the special work of Satan in
these last days to take possession of the minds of youth, to corrupt their
thoughts, and inflame their passions, knowing that by thus doing he can lead
them to self-pollution, and then all the noble faculties of the mind will become
debased, and he can control them to suit his own purposes. All are free moral
agents; and as such they must bring their thoughts to run in the right channel.
Their meditations should be of that nature which will elevate their minds, and
make Jesus and Heaven the subjects of their thoughts. Here is a wide field in
which the mind can safely range. If Satan seeks to divert the mind from this to
low and sensual things, bring it back again, and place it on eternal things; and
when the Lord sees the determined effort made to retain only pure thoughts, he
will attract the mind, like the magnet, and purify the thoughts, and enable them
to cleanse themselves from every secret sin. "Casting down imaginations,
and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." 2 Cor.
10:5. The first work of those who would reform is, to purify the imagination. If
the mind is led out in a vicious direction, it must be restrained to dwell only
upon pure and elevated subjects. When tempted to yield to a corrupt imagination,
then flee to the throne of grace, and pray for strength from Heaven. In the
strength of God the imagination can be disciplined to dwell upon things which
are pure and heavenly.
Some young persons who have been
initiated into the vile practices of the world, seek to awaken the curiosity of
other inquisitive minds, and impart to them that secret knowledge, ignorance of
which would be bliss. They are not content with practicing themselves the vice
they have learned. They are hurried on by the devil, to whisper their evil
communications to other minds, to corrupt their good manners. And unless the
youth have fixed religious principles, they will be corrupted. A heavy penalty
will rest upon those who suffered Satan to use them as mediums to lead astray,
and corrupt the minds of others. A heavy curse rested upon the serpent in Eden,
because he was the medium Satan used to tempt our first parents to transgress;
and a heavy curse from God will follow those who yield themselves as instruments
in the subversion of others. And although those who permit themselves to be led
astray, and learn vile habits, will suffer for their sin, yet those guilty of
instructing them will also suffer for their own sins, and the sins they led
others to commit. It were better for such if they had never been born.
Those who would have that wisdom which
is from God, must become fools in the sinful knowledge of this age, in order to
be wise. They should shut their eyes, that they may see and learn no evil. They
should close their ears, lest they hear that which is evil, and obtain that
knowledge which would stain their purity of thoughts and acts. And they should
guard their tongues, lest they utter corrupt communications, and guile be found
in their mouths. 78
All are accountable for their actions
while upon probation in this world. All have power to control their actions. If
they are weak in virtue and purity of thoughts and acts, they can obtain help
from the Friend of the helpless. Jesus is acquainted with all the weaknesses of
human nature, and, if entreated, will give strength to overcome the most
powerful temptations. All can obtain this strength if they seek for it in
humility. Jesus gives all a blessed invitation who are burdened, and laden with
sin, to come to him, the sinner's friend. "Come unto me, all ye that labor,
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn
of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest to your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matt. 11:28-30.
Here the most inquisitive may safely
learn in the school of Christ that which will prove for their present and
everlasting good. The uneasy and dissatisfied will here find rest. With their
thoughts and affections centered in Christ, they will obtain true wisdom, which
will be worth more to them than the richest earthly treasures.
Many professed Christians do not labor
perseveringly. They make too little effort, and are not ready and willing to
deny self. The prayer of the living Christian will be to "be filled with
the knowledge of His will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that ye
may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good
work, and increasing in the knowledge of God, strengthened with all might,
according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with
joyfulness." Col. 1:9-11. "In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom
and knowledge." Col. 2:3.
Here is the true knowledge, which
should be desired and possessed by every Christian. This knowledge will not lead
to ungodliness. It will not break down the constitution, nor bring a gloomy
cloud over the mind; but will impart substantial joys and true happiness. This
wisdom is divine, and flows ceaselessly from a pure fountain which gives peace,
joy, and health.
Even many professed Christians seem to
have no earnest desire for this heavenly knowledge, and remain in willing
ignorance of this divine grace which it is their privilege to obtain. The only
safety for the youth is to seek this precious wisdom, which will assuredly
destroy all desire for corrupt knowledge. And when they have acquired a relish
for the pure, calm, satisfying joys of faith and holiness, every feeling of
their being will rise in abhorrence to corrupting pleasures. All can choose life
if they will. They can resist sin, take pleasure in the ways of righteousness
and true holiness, and be rewarded with eternal life in God's everlasting
If they choose to corrupt their ways
before the Lord, defile their own bodies and commit self-murder, they can do so;
but they should remember that the judgment is to sit, and the books are to be
opened, and they are to be judged out of those things which are written in the
books, according to their works. What a fearful, spotted record will be opened
before them, of their secret thoughts, and vile acts. Sentence is pronounced
upon them, and they are shut out from the city of God, with the ungodly, and
miserably perish with the wicked.
Now is the time of preparation. None
need to expect that God will do the work of preparing and fitting them up,
without their efforts. It is for them to work the works of righteousness, and
crowd all the right-doing they can into the little space of time allotted to
them before probation closes, that they may have a clean record in Heaven. I
close with the entreaty of the prophet, "Turn ye, turn ye, from your evil
ways; for why will ye die?" Eze. 33:11. E. W.