1. G. I. Butler (President from December 29, 1871 to August 10, 1874, and from October 6, 1880 to October 17, 1888)

"We firmly believe the visions of Mrs. White are a genuine manifestation of spiritual gifts. They bear every test the Bible gives to distinguish between true and spurious manifestations. They speak according to the 'law and the testimony.' Isa. 8:20 . . .

"The fruits born by these visions, are good, and hence the tree which bears them is good. Matt. 7:15-20. They teach truth and purity, and lead to the love of God, and the study of his word. . . .

"The light of the third angel's message is spreading as never before. Never were its prospects of ultimate success as bright as to-day.

"To what do we owe this union and strength? He answer: To the influence of these. . . visions more than to anything else but the word of God. They have always been held in high esteem by the most zealous and humble among our people. They have exerted a leading influence among us from the start. They have first called attention to every important move we have made in advance.

Our publishing work, the health and temperance movement, the College, and the cause of advanced education, the missionary enterprise, and many other important points, have owed their efficiency largely to this influence. We have found in a long, varied, and in some instances, sad experience, the value of their counsel. When we have heeded them, we have prospered; when we have slighted them, we have suffered a great loss. Many instances of this kind could be given from our past history. As a people, we have no reason to boast of our faithfulness to them.

On the contrary, we have shown much of unbelief and indifference to their teachings. But when we have regarded them most highly, we have enjoyed the greatest prosperity. It is clear to everyone who has closely noticed the workings of this cause that in those Conferences where these Testimonies are most highly regarded, there the greatest degree of prosperity is seen; and in those where they are least respected, there the work drags heavily.

"The same is true of individuals. We have never known a person to meet with much success in preaching this truth, who had little or no faith in the visions. And those ministers who are must successful in accomplishing real good, and truly build up the cause, are always those who have strong faith in them."--Review and Herald, August 14, 1883.


2. G. H. Watson (President from May 28, 1930 till May 26, 1936)

"We are living in days, dear friends, when we as a people ought to know the value of this gift of God to the church. It is utterly impossible for leaders to move forward safely unless they receive continually the instruction that God has provided for their guidance.

"We ought, dear friends, so to acquaint ourselves with the sayings of God, through Sister White to this people, that we shall know what we ought to do in times of crisis, when delusions and snares beset the church. We have never given to this gift the value that God has given it. We have never fully recognized the place in the church that God would have it occupy. It is one thing, dear friends, for us to receive these messages and apply them to individuals all about us; it is quite another thing for us to recognize their value to the movement itself in these days of peril.

"I want to tell you, my friends, I have never found it necessary to go outside the Bible and the "Testimonies for the Church" for direction in the leadership of this movement. More and more I find in my heart the longing to understand more clearly what God has said to our hearts by these messages, and to know what God would have us to do.

Oh, the small and limited ways in which we often use these messages, sometimes merely to point out something somebody near us is doing as a habit of life, when all the time God would have us recognize this gift as a great light to guide this people in the way that he has marked out for them.--Review and Herald, June 18, 1936 (A statement made at the 1936 General Conference session)

3. J. L. McElhany (President, General Conference, 1936-1950)

"The writings of the Spirit of Prophecy live today to speak words of counsel and encouragement to the church. How thankful we should be for this gift. --God's Special Gift to the Remnant Church, p. 13.

4. I. H. Evans (General Conference Vice-President)

"I have never found in any other books that I have read, aside from the Holy Scriptures, such spiritual help, such inspiration to faith and to the final triumphs of the gospel, as are found in the writings of Sister White. In fact, I cannot understand how anyone who will read her writings carefully can ever backslide from a deep personal experience in spiritual things.--Ibid, p. 14.

5. R. R. Figuhr (President, General Conference, 1954-1966)

"The gift of prophecy has guided, counseled, warned, and inspired. The secret of our efficient organization and the extension of our work around the world, as well as our clear position on great fundamental principles, can all be traced to this divinely inspired counsel. . . . I deeply appreciate this gift."--Facts and Comments About the Spirit of Prophecy, p. 4.

Ellen White Estate Washington, D.C.