Biographical History
White is a woman of singularly well-balanced mental organization.
Benevolence, spirituality, conscientiousness, and ideality are the predominating
traits. Her personal qualities are such as to win for her the warmest
friendship of all with whom she comes in contact, and to inspire them with
the utmost confidence in her sincerity. Whatever she has suffered
through calumnies occasioned by the unpopularity of the cause with which
she has been connected, has emanated from those who are unacquainted with
her daily life. Notwithstanding her many years of public labor, she has
retained all the simplicity and honesty which characterized her early
a speaker, Mrs. "White is one of the most successful of the few
ladies who have become noteworthy as lecturers, in this country, during
the last twenty years. Constant use has so strengthened her vocal organs
as to give her voice rare depth and power. Her clearness and strength of
articulation are so great that, when speaking in the open air, she has
frequently been distinctly heard at the distance of a mile. Her language,
though simple, is always forcible and elegant. When inspired with her subject,
she is often marvelously eloquent, holding the largest audiences
spellbound for hours without a sign of impatience or weariness.
subject matter of her discourses is always of a practical character,
bearing chiefly on fireside duties, the religious education of children,
temperance, and kindred topics. On revival occasions, she is always the
most effective speaker. She has frequently spoken to immense audiences, in
the large cities, on her favorite themes, and has always been received
with great favor. On one occasion in Massachusetts, twenty thousand
persons listened to her, with close attention, for more than an hour.
White is the author of numerous works, which have had a wide circulation.
Her writings are characterized by the same simplicity and practical
nature, which are conspicuous in her speaking. They enter into the
home-life of the family circle in a manner, which rivets the attention of
the candid reader, and cannot fail to instruct in the solemn duties of
practical life. Her printed volumes aggregate more than five thousand
pages.--American Biographical History of Eminent and Self-Made Men of the
State of Michigan, (Third Congressional District), p. 108.
is the distinction of our days that the American Church has enjoyed the
teachings of two prophetesses. The first century of our Colonial history
gave us Ann Hutchinson. In old times prophets were stoned, and Massachusetts
banished her first prophetess to Rhode Island, and from thence she
wandered to the Dutch colony en the Hudson and was killed by the Indians
near Hell Gate. Our two later prophetesses, Mrs. Eddy, founder of the
Christian Science Church, and Mrs. Ellen White, leader and teacher of
the Seventh-day Adventists, lived and died in comfort and honor,
surrounded by their admiring followers. Many of Mrs. Eddy's disciples
believed she would never die, and Mrs. White hoped to be one of those who
would be taken up alive to meet the Lord in the air. But the Lord delayed
His coming, and she entered into rest, just as others do, at the age of
eighty-eight, and her burial took place a few days ago at the Advent
headquarters at Battle Creek, Michigan. Her husband, Elder White, shares
with her the honor of founding the Seventh-day Advent. Church, but she was
its one prophetess.
G. (Harmon) White, born in Gorham, Maine, was a very religious child, and
when thirteen years old, in 1840, in the midst of the Millerite
excitement, heard the Rev. William Miller preach on the speedy coming of
Christ and she was greatly affected. At the age of seventeen she had her
first vision, and was bidden, she believed, by the Holy Spirit to proclaim
the speedy advent of Christ to glorify His saints and destroy His enemies.
She dreaded the duty, but was given strength to accept it, and was
rewarded with a long succession of revelations through her life. Before
she was twenty years old she married Elder White, and their following
began to grow. Her revelations were in the nature of instructions to their
disciples mostly aimed at their spiritual life, not forgetting to forbid
the sins of custom and fashion. Thus women were forbidden to wear
hoop-skirts, and required to abjure corsets and wear loose dresses. A
vegetable diet was required, and even eggs were not allowed, and only two
meals a day, breakfast at six and dinner at twelve. Saturday was the
Sabbath; and the Lord's coming was close at hand, but the time set had to
be put off through misunderstanding of Daniel's prophecy. At first the
children were taken out of school to devote themselves to preparation for
the advent, but after a while they learned patience, and established
schools of their own, and entered on a great missionary propaganda, which
took Mrs. White for years to Europe and Australia.
course, these teachings were based on the strictest doctrine of
inspiration of the Scriptures. Seventh-day Adventism could be got in no
other way. And the gift of prophecy was to be expected as promised to the
"remnant church," who had held fast to the truth. This faith
gave great purity of life and incessant zeal. No body of Christians excels
them in moral character and religious earnestness. Their work began in
1853 in
Battle Creek, and it has grown until now they have thirty-seven
publishing houses throughout the world, with literature in eighty
different languages, and an annual output of $2,000,000. They have now
seventy colleges and academies, and about forty sanitariums; and in all
this Ellen White has been the inspiration and guide. Here is a noble
record, and she deserves great honor.
she really receive divine visions, and was she really chosen by the Holy
Spirit to be endued with the charism of prophecy? Or was she the victim of
an excited imagination? Why should we answer? One's doctrine of the Bible
may affect the conclusion. At any rate, she was absolutely honest in her
belief in her revelations. Her life was worthy of them. She showed no
spiritual pride and she sought no filthy lucre. She lived the life and did
the work of a worthy prophetess, the most admirable of the American
succession. - Independent;, August 23, 1915, pp. 249,250.
Death Notices of James White -
has been admirably aided in his ministerial and educational labors by his
wife, Ellen White, one of the ablest platform speakers and writers in
the west.--Lansing Republican, August 9,1881.
1846 he married Ellen G. Harmon, a woman of extraordinary endowments,
who has been a co laborer in all his work and contributed largely to his
success by her gifts as a writer and especially her power as a public
speaker. Her authority in the powerful denomination, which she has helped
to build up, is almost absolute. --The Echo (Detroit), August 10,1881;
also Detroit Commercial Advertiser and Michigan Home Journal, August 12,
Wharton James
the town of St. Helena is the St. Helena Sanitarium and the home of Mrs.
Ellen White, who, with her husband, practically founded the church of
the Seventh-day Adventists as it is governed today. Mrs. White was also
the inspiration and guide of the early day movement toward more hygienic
living, and the treatment of disease by what are now known as the Battle
Creek Sanitarium methods. While the development of these methods is owing
to the genius of Dr. J. H. Kellogg, the superintendent, the germ of them
began with Mrs. White.
sanitariums are to be found in every country of the civilized world, and
most of them are specific and direct tributes to her power and influence
as an organizer.
Seventh-day Adventist in the world feels the influence of this elderly
lady who quietly sits in her room overlooking the cultivated fields of the
Napa Valley, and writes out what she feels are the intimations of God's
Spirit, to be given through her to mankind.
remarkable woman, also, though almost entirely self-educated, has written
and published more books and in more languages, which circulate to a
greater extent than the written works of any woman of history. They are
shipped by the carload.-- George Wharton James, in California Romantic and
Beautiful, pp. 319, 320. The Page Co., Boston, 1914.
ADVENTISTS, sometimes called Sabbatarians, the branch of the Advent
movement (see Adventists) that arose in the United States in the l800' s,
and whose most important leader was the noble and visionary gifted Ellen White (1827-1915), who contributed, by extensive traveling and diligent
writing to the spreading of the movement even outside America. Seventh-day
Adventists who share the general beliefs of the Adventists, especially
stress the observance of Saturday instead of Sunday. The denomination is
led by the General Conference that assembles every fourth year. They carry
on their work by spreading literature, public efforts, and sanitariums
that propagandize for a natural way of living. In Sweden, where the
movement came in 1880, it is carrying on such health work at Nyhyttan
Sanitarium, Hultafors Sanitarium, and Stockholm Hydro Clinic. In Denmark,
the Seventh-day Adventists are running the well-known Skodsborg
Sanitarium. The movement has its headquarters in Stockholm, and number
nearly 2,000 believers. They publish the following papers: Tidens tecken
(The Signs of the Times), Sundhet sbladet (Health Magazine), and
Missionaren (The Missionary), monthly paper for the Seventh-day Adventists
in Sweden (from l897).--M. Neiliendam, "Frildrker og sekter"
(Churches and Sects), (1927), in Nordisk Familjebok (Swedish
of American Biography
26, 1827 - July 16,1915) leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was
born at Gorham, Me., the daughter of Robert and Eunice (Gould) Harmon, and
a descendant of John Harmon who was in Kittery, Me., in 1667. When she was
still a child the family moved to Portland. She was not more than nine
years old when a girl playmate in a fit of anger struck her with a stone,
knocking her unconscious, a state in which she remained for three weeks.
Her face was disfigured and her "nervous system prostrated." Her
health was so poor that she had to give up school, and with the exception
of a short period of tutoring at home, she received no further formal education.
the stirring evangelistic campaign of William Miller [q.v.] in the
forties, she embraced the Advent faith as taught by Miller and looked for
the personal return of Christ on Oct. 22, 1844. When this expectation
proved baseless, she was deeply disappointed; her health failed rapidly
and she seemed sinking into death. In December, however, while she was
kneeling in prayer with four other women, a vision came to her in which
she seemed to be transported to heaven and shown the experiences that
awaited the faithful. Subsequently, she had other visions, accompanied by
strange physical phenomena. According to the reports of physicians and
others, her eyes remained open during these visions, she ceased to
breathe, and she performed miraculous feats. Messages for individuals,
churches, and families were imparted to her, occasionally of what would
take place in the future, but more often of reproof or encouragement.
During a long life span, she exerted the most powerful single influence on
Seventh-day Adventist believers. The larger portion of them accepted her
visions without question and acted in accordance with her messages.
Aug. 30, 1846, she married the Rev. James White, born in Palmyra, Me.,
August 4, 1821, the son of John White. He was ordained a minister of the
Christian Connection in 1843, and adhered to the Advent faith. The young
couple were penniless, and neither was in good health. After various
activities, in 1849 White began to publish a little paper which soon became
the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, the organ of the denomination.
was first issued in various places in New England, then in Rochester,
N.Y., and later in Battle Creek, Michigan. For years White was in charge
of the publishing work of the Adventists. He labored hard for the union of
the churches, and in 1863 the General Conference was organized. His health
broke down about 1864 and his wife nursed him back to health. This
experience turned their thoughts to health reform, and in response to a
vision which came to the wife, the Western Health Reform Institute was
founded in 1866 at Battle Creek. Under the promotion of the Whites, Battle
Creek College, the first Seventh-day Adventist school, was founded in
1874. This same year they journeyed to California, where, at Oakland,
White established the Signs of the Times, the printing establishment of
which developed into the Pacific Press Publishing Association. He died at
Battle Creek, Aug. 6, 1881.
his death his wife traveled about visiting churches and attending
conferences and camp meetings. She labored in Europe from 1885 until 1888,
and in 1891 went to Australia, where she remained nine years. In 1901 she
turned her attention to Christian work in the Southern States. Largely as
a result of her interest the Southern Publishing Association was founded
at Nashville, Tenn., in that year. In 1903 she played an important part in
moving the denominational headquarters to Washington, D.C., and she also
had a very definite part in founding, in 1909, the College of Medical
Evangelists at Loma Linda, Calif., which has sent its graduates to many
quarters of the world.
place in the denomination was unique. She never claimed to be a leader,
but simply a voice, a messenger bearing communications from God to His
people. Her life was marked by deep personal piety and spiritual
and her messages were an important factor in unifying the churches.
was a constant contributor to the denominational papers and was the author
of about twenty volumes. With her husband she wrote Life Sketches of Elder
James White and His Wife, Mrs. Ellen White (1880), and in 1915
published Life Sketches of Ellen White. In 1926 Scriptural and Subject
Index to the Writings of Mrs. Ellen White appeared. She died at St.
Helena, Cal.
writings mentioned above: A.C.Harmon, The Harmon Geneal, (1920); Signs of
the Times, Aug. 16,23,1881; Advent Rev-.and Sabbath Herald, July 29, 1915;
J.. N. Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement "{I905) M. E.
Olsen, A Hist. of the Origin and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists
(1925); D. M. Canright; Life of Mrs. E. G. White Her False Claims
Refuted (1919); N.Y. Times, July 17; 1915 .1-Dictionary of American
Biography, Vol. XX, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936, pp. 95, 99: