A Learned Rabbi Testifies about the
book 'Patriarchs and Prophets'
A Jewish rabbi went to Weimar Institute for health reasons and
browsed the library. He wondered where Ellen White learned Hebrew. He
said her information was from the Mishna, which had only been translated
into English in the last 30 years and only a high level of Jewish rabbis
had the information. "This is the history of my people and it is very ,
very accurate." He said, "You have to know Hebrew to be able to write
like this because her sentence structure is not English, its
Hebrew. Its as if she wrote in Hebrew and it was translated into
Tribute to the book 'Education' by an
Teachers College
Columbia University
New York, NY
"Recently the book, Education, by Ellen G. White has been brought to my
attention. Written at the turn of the century, this volume was more than
50 years* ahead of its time. And I was surprised to learn that it was
written by a woman with but three years of schooling.
"The breadth and depth of its philosophy amazed me. Its concept of
balanced education, harmonious development, and of thinking and acting on
principle are advanced educational concepts.
"The objective of restoring in man the image of God, the teaching of
parental responsibility, and the emphasis of self-control in the child
are ideals the world desperately needs.
"Mrs. White did not necessarily use current terms. In fact, she did not
use the word "curriculum," in her writing. But the book "Education" in
certain parts treats all important curriculum principles. She was
concerned with the whole learner--the harmonious development of the
physical, mental and spiritual powers.
"Many today are stressing the development of the intellect. But feelings
and emotional development are equally important. In our changing society,
the ability to act on thought and in terms of principle in central. It is
this harmonious development that is so greatly needed, yet so generally
neglected today.
I am not surprised that the members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
hold the writings of Mrs. White in great respect and make them central in
developing the educational programs in their schools."
Florence Stratemeyer
Professor of Education
* Written in the 1950's
That Author is
were the words of an influential lady after she had been persuaded to
read "Desire of Ages," while visiting our England sanitarium.
She returned from her reading all aflame with interest and exclaimed:
Why, a
little people like you ought not to have this book! It should be in the
hands of the great London publishers so it could be brought to the
attention of all."
she began to read other books by the same author as "Desire of
Ages" and was amazed at their wonderful teaching. "That author
is inspired," she declared, and she wrote out this testimonial:
a lifetime of studying the religions of the world--the efforts of the
human soul to get into contact with the Infinite--I have come across a
book by Ellen White, the very name of which describes its motive, 'The
Desire of Ages.' Since reading this truly wonderful book my most ardent
wish for this suffering, distraught world is that every man and woman
should become, through its pages, familiar with its supreme Subject, and
that the mind of every child should be nourished on it. I can imagine no
gift to mankind that could help humanity more really to live, for in it
are, indeed, the words of Eternal Life." --C. E. Weaks in North
Pacific Union Gleaner, July 13, 1937.
"First for
Spiritual Discernment and Practical Application
select five or six books on the life of Christ from the more than 10,000
written in English in the last 300 years, to say nothing of those in other
languages, and say that they are unqualifiedly the best, is no small task.
Happily you have eased the task by asking me to make my personal
preference or choice would be guided by what I wished to get from the book
or books to be read. Let me put it this way: I would put Desire of Ages by
Ellen White first for spiritual discernment and practical application.
will say that the Desire of Ages is well thought of in the Library of
Congress. --Excerpt from a Letter from W. E. Bement, Library of Congress,
Washington, D. C., Dec. 11, 1946.
Writings So Perfect, Pure and Simple Outside the Bible
in regard to the incident you inquired about;
nursing in Oakland and Melrose after we were married, I took some
University extension class work conducted in the Chauncey Freemont High
School, Melrose.
day in the Literature class the teacher, Miss E. McMillan, who had just
returned from an extended trip and study of literature in Europe and who
was our teacher, asked us to come next day prepared to give three
quotations from our favorite author and let the rest of the class members
have a test on telling the author by discerning the style of language used
by the author. As it so occurred, I was the first one called on the next
day and although there were about 48 in the class, not another one was
called upon and the whole time was taken up in discussion of the author I
quoting a passage from "Desire of Ages," the whole class failed
to name the author, and to my happy surprise the instructor said,
"Well, class, those are words from the pen of Mrs. E. G. White."
She made a long speech saying she knew nothing of the religion, but had
read many of Mrs. White's books merely to study her works as an author,
not to study them from the standpoint of religion. She stated that she was
unblushingly able to declare herself an authority on literature, and that
it was a pity Mrs. White's writings were not better known in the literary
world. Then she stated that she was going to make a bold statement, but
that she meant every word of it and that was that "Of all the
writings, ancient, medieval, or modern, there are no writings so full of
beauty, so perfect in every way, so pure" and yet so simple, outside
of the Bible" as the writings of Mrs. E.G. White."
to say I was proud to be a Seventh day Adventist.
your brother in the Master's service,
Harold N. Williams -April 29,1930, 106 Freshwater Road, St. John's,
CFRB Book Review
so we come to a book titled "The Desire of Ages" whose story is
a concentrate of the inspiration of the Easter season, and everything for
which the great Christian Festival stands. "The Desire of Ages."
Its author, Ellen White was born about a century and a quarter ago in
the United States. Devoted a lifetime of work, 70 years to religious study
and writing, with a concentration on the life of Christ. "Desire of
Ages" is a very large book containing 863 pages, and I would estimate
text of about 350,000 words. Mrs. White during her lifetime wrote some 25
full size books and a number of smaller ones. These have been printed by
the millions, in many languages and distributed in most countries of the
world. This in spite of the fact that, as a result of an accident at nine
years of age, she was unable from then on to attend school.
is of course well known that some of the world's most inspirational
literature has been fashioned on the anvil of pain and personal suffering.
So it was that Ellen White penned the "Desire of Ages" at a
time when she was largely confined to bed, or made use of a specially
constructed chair with a fitted rest to support an arm pain-wracked with
inflammatory rheumatism. This book is the life story of Jesus.
books have been written on the subject before, many of excellent
caliber, many of the elaborate essays on chronology and history combining
the teachings of Christ with the events which took place between Nazareth
and Calvary. Most of these books naturally have stemmed from the basic
word pictures of the four Gospels, and have been supplemented by research
into the customs and historical circumstances which surrounded the Holy
Land of those days. In the preface of
The Desire of Ages" it is explained that it was not,
however, the purpose of the author to set forth a harmony of the Gospels,
or even to give in strictly chronological order the important events of
the life of Christ. Rather it was Ellen White's purpose to present the
love of God as revealed in His Son, and NOT to satisfy the desires of the
merely curious, nor answer the questionings of critics.
the preparation of the manuscript for "The Desires of Ages" Mrs.
White did not write the book straight through, chapter by chapter in
chronological sequence. During the preceding years she had already
accumulated many hundreds of pages on the theme. She, therefore, proceeded
to expand on certain sections, and with the aid of helpers probe beneath
the physical and literal forms of fact and circumstance, into the more
inspirational facets of interpretation. The result is a book, basically
biographical, fundamentally historical of the events of a long past age,
which, however, lifts the story of the life of Christ out of that distant
era and places it in this modern twentieth century, not merely as a
factual story, but as an inspirational motif for more objective thinking
directed to a world full of selfishness and intolerance, a world in which
crime and tragedy make the principal headlines. It expresses, in other
words, the essential message of the Easter Season, the desire in the
hearts of all mankind, of devious races and stations in life, for a
greater peace of mind, a transition from a vogue of selfish prejudice and
suspicion into a world of large hearted knowledge and understanding--the
culmination and fruition of the hopes of all the ages for that something
better they talk about but do not now possess nor know how to go about
of Ages" is the sort of book one does not read, but rather
studies--and ponders. If you wish to obtain a copy of this book I would
suggest you get in touch with the Book and Bible House, 7th Day
Adventists, 3 Awde, A-W-D-E Street in Toronto. Its title again "The
Desire of Ages. --Rex Frost, Easter Sunday, March 25, 1951.
"Patriarchs and
Prophets" in Japan's Prisons
called on the chief officer of the prison department of Japan, and gave
him a brief description of "Patriarchs and Prophets," suggesting
to him that it would be a good book for the prison libraries. He said that
he would have to talk the matter over with the other authorities, but
would let us know in a few days.
I called on him again a few days later, he said they would take
ninety-five copies of the book, distributing them to all the prisons of
Japan. It was rather difficult for me to keep from praising the Lord
audibly right there. We are all very glad for this large order, and
especially so since these books will go to all the prisons of Japan, where
they will no doubt do a great deal of good. --E. J. Kraft in article
"Japan Prison Libraries" in Review and Herald, Dee. 29, 1927.
"Desire of
Ages in a Texas Prison
to "Voice of Prophecy]
Desire of Ages was delayed a few days, but finally it came. How shall I
describe to you my joy--the sensation and sentiments that it awakened from
its very first pages, while reading this gem? This lady possesses the
words of life! It seemed as if God Himself was speaking to me, and my
tears freely and spontaneously came to my eyes.
transformed water into wine. Mrs. White has completely transformed my
life. I was highly nervous, nearly neurotic, timid, fearful, and my heart
was continually full of self-pity. There have been days, in which my
imprisonment was considered a terrible affliction, but now it has ceased
to be so; and although I am surrounded by the most ugly circumstances of
life, I assure you, dear teacher, that I live in an atmosphere of love. I
feel myself in agreement, resigned, content, and while I am reading the
Desire of Ages even happy.
even the idea of the possibility of dying here nearly made me go insane.
How different it is now! If man considers himself stronger than death he
has nothing to fear.
entering this institution a thousand moral injuries oppressed me, as great
or more painful than physical injuries. Jesus was far from my heart, not
only as far as distance is concerned, but also mentally. Your precious
lessons, afterward Mrs. White with Steps to Christ, and now the Desire of
Ages, have been the marvelous ointment. My sores now do not bleed; they
are scarred and are disappearing.
it therefore strange that I should live thankful to you as well as
profoundly enamored of such an inspired lady? Yes, my dear teacher, the
name of Ellen White is pronounced with unspeakable love as an
invocation, almost as a prayer. While reading her words full of
exceedingly lovely fraternal and even maternal expressions, I find it
difficult to control my desire to "devour the book; at other times
I am as a child that eats a delicious cookie one crumb at a time and does
not wish it ever to end, I read Desire of Ages very slowly, repeating
pages and chapters before deciding to go ahead with the book. Furthermore,
at other times I console myself with the knowledge that the theme of
Desire of Ages, together with the easy flow of words and inimitable style
of Mrs. Whites writing, makes it one of those rare volumes which can be
read one hundred times with the surety each time of a better
understanding, and that greater will be the delight, inspiration,
instruction, and blessings which its reading will convey.
thanks, therefore, for the high honor you have given me to be the happy
owner of such a beautiful book; and reaffirming to you that I very
prominently mention my dear teacher in my prayers, I remain, as always,
devoted and thankful disciple,
Texas, R.S.F., C.H. Axtle