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people who have been blest by the writings of Ellen White speak out to
say what these books mean to them and why they personally know them to
be true!

Testimonial August 2007
I cannot adequately express my thankfulness to God for His goodness to
me. Before I
knew my true condition (life-threatening disease) over 10 years ago, He
had given counsel through Ellen White that helped me to meet my health
crisis. This event galvanized me to obtain blessings from books such as
The more I read and study, the more I hunger and thirst for Christ's
righteousness. And His mercy, grace and power have held me up for over
10 years, when the disease I had typically claims its victims around 18
months from diagnosis. God is SO GOOD! I enjoy reading accounts
that took place when Ellen White was alive - there are SO MANY amazing
evidences of God's providence. Read, and be blessed! V.T. 2007
Testimonial August 2007
NOTMILK - Notmilkman's Challenge to Seventh-day Adventists
My Challenge to Seventh-day Adventists
On this Sabbath day Saturday enjoyed by Seventh-day Adventists and Jews
of all denominations, I offer today's column as food for thought.
Using sports colloquialisms to state my position, I am using the Notmilk
forum to urge members of the
SDA faith to STEP UP TO THE PLATE, because many of you have FUMBLED THE
There was a time that Loma Linda University published a large number of
peer-reviewed scientific papers indicating that Seventh-day Adventists
lived longer and healthier than most non-SDA Americans as a result of
the "clean" foods they ate. Sadly, many members of that SDA faith have
The spiritual founder of the SDA church, Ellen White, wrote the
"Cheese should never be introduced into the stomach." Testimonies, vol.
2, p. 68
"Cheese is still more objectionable; it is wholly unfit for food."
Ministry of Healing, p. 302
When lecturing at SDA churches and meetings and witnessing the vast
amounts of cheese being consumed, I never forget to ask: "What part
of the word 'never' do you have trouble understanding?"
In her "Ministry of Healing," Ellen White wrote (page 271):
"In order to have good health, we must have good blood; for the blood is
the current of life. It repairs waste
and nourishes the body. When supplied with the proper food elements and
when cleansed and vitalized by contact with pure air, it carries life
and vigor to every part of the system."
In 1893, a caramel candy maker visited the Chicago World's Fair and was
much impressed upon seeing German-built chocolate making machinery. He
purchased that equipment, and his investment became our loss. America's
health would never be the same. The man's name was Milton Hershey. In
that same year, Aunt Jemima's powdered-milk pancake mix was also brought
to market. In 1893, an American physician, John Kellogg, identified the
allergic cause and effect reactions which resulted from cheese
consumption. Ellen White related a fascinating anecdote of this
vegetarian doctor who invented Kellogg's Corn Flakes in her 1893 letter
to a friend:
"It was decided that at a certain camp meeting, cheese should not be
sold to those on the ground; but on coming to the ground, Doctor Kellogg
found to his surprise that a large quantity of cheese had been purchased
for sale at the grocery. He and some others objected to this, but those
in charge of the grocery said that they could not afford to lose the
money invested in it. Upon this, Doctor Kellogg asked the price of the
cheese, and bought the whole of it from them. He had traced the matter
from cause to effect, and knew that some foods generally thought to be
wholesome, were very injurious." "God's Nutritionist", Quote #386,
page 129
Seventh-day Adventists are ready to scale a mountain, so far as I am
concerned. They are a potential army of vegetarians who are ready to
teach the world the healthiest way to live one's life. If only they were
as inspired by Ellen White's sage advice as I.
Robert Cohen
Testimonial February 2006
In my my psyc
rotation, we were instructed to do an end-term summary of one's
theorist. I asked the teacher if I could do my research on Ellen White,
from the 19th century. He mused, said he had heard of that name, and
wondered if I could find any data on her. Having read Mind, Character &
Personality twice, as well as all her published works made it easy to
compare her with the "prominents"--Adventists had more, better, and
before. The teachers conclusion after twice reading my presentation was:
"She could have been really great had it not been for religion." How
true, and how sad! Blessings, Charles
Testimonial July 2005
I agree with some of your readers that Ellen White does NOT need to be defended, however, it is very comforting to
know that there are others of "like faith" in our church who love and
cherish the words that God has given her for these end-times. It is very
disconcerting to read voluminous attacks on these writings on the
Inter-Net and other places by theologians and people of "status" who
claim SDA church membership.
Recently I sent Dr Samuele Bacchiocchi a
letter concerning his statement that "Ellen White was wrong when she
said that some of the Waldenses kept the Sabbath". I asked him why did
he think that he alone was right on this issue when on "Google" over 50
highly educated authors disagree with him. He replied, "You need to do
yourself a favor and stop reading those uneducated and simple-minded
writers. You need to read my books and the book by D. Augsberger on this
Well, it seems to this "simple minded"
individual (which I am proud to be) that Dr Sam is doing much harm to
our church. As you point out on your web site, he wants us to believe
that Ellen White was wrong when she said that the papacy was the
What is particularly odious about Dr Sam’s
position on Ellen White is that many of her most vehement enemies are
using his writings to support their positions. Recently on his web site
he printed an article by Dr Jon Paulien (Andrews University) titled
"Revelation 17 and the Papacy". In this article Dr Jon’s summation
states, "The last head is a worldwide religious unity (dragon, beast,
and false prophet) for a period of time." Dr Jon, also states, "Ellen
White…does not seem to address the issue of Rev. 17:10 at all, in any of
her voluminous biblical interpretations".
It would seem that Dr Jon needs a better
research department. In 3SM 392 (1891) the prophet writes "The so-called
Christian world is to be the theater of great and decisive actions. Men
in authority enact laws controlling the conscience, after the example of
the papacy. Babylon will make all nations drink of the wine of the wrath
of her fornication. Every nation will be involved.
Of this time John the Revelator declares:
(Rev. 18:3-7;17:13,14 quoted). "These have one mind. "There will be a
FORCES." (italics supplied). It would seem that Dr Sam and his cronies
would have us believe that Ellen White is wrong on many issues and
"uninformed" on others. Could it be that he, like all of those
pugnacious self-centered, Ellen White hating, theologians before him are
looking for only one truth, their own?
W. H.
the ‘sda prophet’
I share a story?
while back my mother was in the hospital and as I was visiting her, I was
reading to her from one of her favorite inspirational books.
the next bed was a very ill lady who was asleep and her daughter was
sitting quietly by her bed. I was reading softly so as not to disturb the
sick lady and I don’t think I knew the other lady was there as the
curtains were drawn.
I finished the chapter, I was helping Mom up to the bathroom and the
daughter came up to me and said, “Thank-you so much! I have never heard
anything as beautiful as that!” The book I was reading from was Desire
of Ages by Ellen White.
is truly sad that many people have taken the word of others who have made
it their business to attack E.G. White and have never investigated for
themselves. Some folks just take the word of their ministers and let them
do all their thinking for them.
Bible tells us about the Bereans, who were ‘more noble’ because they
investigated for themselves and found the truth. Acts 17:11
you ever stop to consider that only TRUE prophets of God get attacked?
Yes- false ones may get exposed by someone presenting the truth, but
because true followers of God do not go around attacking others, false
prophets don’t get attacked.
Jesus day the leaders of the church in His time called Him everything-
they said He was a false prophet and even that He was possessed of
devils!! Many people did not follow Jesus or believe in Him in those times
because they listened to and obeyed their ministers. Those people will be
lost and never go to heaven; they let others do their deciding for them so
both they and their religious leaders will be lost.
there were other wiser ones, who decided they would go and listen to Jesus
and decide for themselves if He was true- they accepted Jesus and will be
saved. There is an interesting text in Acts 7:52
“Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they
have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom
ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:”
was Stephen, preaching to the church leaders who were about to kill him.
He pointed out that all true prophets of God have been persecuted and
mostly by the established church of their day.
church leaders said about Jesus- ‘We believe Moses, we know he was a
prophet- but we don’t believe you.” John 9:29
“We know that God spake unto Moses: as for this fellow, we know
not from whence he is.” The
funny thing was, that in Moses day- the people didn’t believe he was a
prophet either!
Jesus time some soldiers were sent to arrest Him and they came back to the
church leaders and they hadn’t done it. The church leaders demanded
“WHY!” here is what they said: John 7:46
The officers answered, Never man spake like this man.
from those who read the books of Ellen White, we have the testimony,
“never woman wrote like this woman!” Jesus told us the test we were to
use in detecting ‘Wolves in sheep’s clothing’— do you recall what
it was? Here it is—Matthew 7:20 “Wherefore
by their fruits ye shall know them.”
What are the
results of earnestly reading her writings? People are drawn closer to
Jesus and become more knowledgeable in the Word of God. They are
strengthened and encouraged in their Christian walk. Are these not good
fruits? Her writings constantly lift up Christ and the Word of God— is
this the work of a false prophet?
TRUE prophets are attacked and persecuted. So before you accept someone
else’s word, or the garbage that some people throw at her, it would be
well to investigate for yourself. The ‘Proof of the Pudding is in the
Eating’. Anyone who has ever gotten into reading the wonderful books by
Ellen White have been amazed, uplifted, encouraged and directed to a
holier life in Jesus Christ. These are not the fruits of a false prophet.
let others do your thinking for you and end up loosing out as did so many
in Jesus day! Read for yourself either online, downloads or visit our
bookstore. God be with you!

(Ever wonder why some
understand and others don't?)
thought you might like this quote. Maranatha, Charlie.
"My brethren, beware of the evil heart of unbelief. The word of God
plain and close in its restrictions; it interferes with your selfish
indulgence; therefore you do not obey it. The testimonies of His Spirit
call your attention to the Scriptures, point out your defects of
character, and rebuke your sins; therefore you do not heed them. And to
justify your carnal, ease-loving course you begin to doubt whether the
testimonies are from God. If you would obey their teachings you would
assured of their divine origin. Remember, your unbelief does not affect
their truthfulness. If they are from God they will stand. Those who
to lessen the faith of God's people in these testimonies, which have been
in the church for the last thirty-six years, are fighting against God. It
is not the instrument whom you slight and insult, but God, who has spoken
to you in these warnings and reproofs." p. 234, Para. 3, [5T].
Also found in: [Cf: Pamphlet 001 p. 18 para. 04] p. 241, Para. 1,

Word Pictures
We are systematically reading through some
of the Spirit of Prophecy books in our prayer meeting group. We
have already read The Great Controversy, Desire of Ages and are nearly
finished with Patriarchs and Prophets. There can be no doubt that
Ellen White was inspired by God. We usually read a chapter,
each Wednesday evening, after a time of interaction with each other
which includes a prayer time. It is not difficult to make
applications, to our own lives, from what we read. Much of Sister
White’s word pictures are relatable for us today. Being
inspired, the words contained within these books are timeless. We
always come away with a blessing for the reading and assimilating of
God’s messages contained therein.
Bill E.

the Beauty!
Due to my own stupidity I
am going through an "All-things-work-together-for-good"
experience. This is humbling and is teaching me patience. But
during this time when I have not been able to do much else, I have started
a real program of Bible study and Spirit of Prophecy study. It is
absolutely thrilling!
You know the syndrome.
We have read the books for decades, but when we search, they come alive
and I want to read more and more. My poor husband! Sometimes
meals are late because I do not want to stop reading. And I am
finding in the experiences of Bible characters that Ellen has written out
for the Lord, strength for the anticipated troubles that we must all go
through before it is all over.
Just last Friday I read
the chapter on Joseph in PP. Thrilling! Then yesterday I read
the chapter on Jacob's Night of Wrestling. Rewarding!
I printed out the Herbs
in Rational Therapy. That is valuable information.
That is my
"testimony." LM
for the Health Message!
Sure, God gave
permission to eat meat after the flood, but does no one read far enough to
get the reason? I choose not to shorten my life!!!
My hubby and I have
been vegetarians 99% of our lives. We have been vegans for several
years now. Yes, it takes planning and doing to get all the nutrients
that one needs. At age 75 my hubby is a weight lifter, he gets out
and works hard in his garden and doing whatever else he wants to do, he is
learning new musical instruments, he studies and enjoys life. And he
does not have gray hair!
I have been
intemperate in the work/stress areas and am rebuilding my health.
But even so at almost-74 I have energy and vitality. We walk 2 - 4
miles each day. We read, study and enjoy our lives. Meat and
dairy? No, thanks. And especially with all the fatal diseases
now possible through the animal products.
No, I agree with God's
messages through Ellen White. There will come a time when these
things must be discarded! And that time is now!!! Enough
sermonizing for today.
And my husband is not
bald, he has a beautiful thick head of hair that requires thinning every
time he gets a haircut! This is our testimony!!!
I have one more line to
add to my last testimony--since everyone is bashing vegetarians in general
and vegans in particular.
"Not only are
we in good health, Ken and I, we have no disease, we have both recovered
from osteoporosis and take NO medication--Rx or over-the-counter drugs.
We do not even have aspirin, Tylenol, etc. in our house. At our
ages, that is spectacular."
Today Ken and I sat
praising God for His leading in our lives and His goodness. After
reading G___, I was just sick at heart. I shared this with Ken and
we sat reminiscing on the various errors that have come our way. We
recounted our reactions, how we went to the Lord in prayer pleading for
wisdom and how the Lord led us to Scriptures and SOP quotations that
totally cleared up the error and showed us that we were walking in the
right way.
I cannot tell you
how grateful to God I am. I am going to cast my crown at the feet of my
God in adoration and praise one day. I have decided. That is
just how it is going to be. And Ken joins me in this. And for
all the things that have been hurled at us over the years, I think of that
poor couple resigning and say, There, but for the grace of God, go Ken
and Lois!