of Christ
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Among the Jews, religion had come to be little more than a round of
ceremonies. As they had departed from the true worship of God, and lost the
spiritual power of His word, they had tried to supply the lack by adding
ceremonies and traditions of their own.
the blood of Christ can cleanse from sin. Only His power can keep men from
sinning. But the Jews depended upon their own works and ceremonies of their
religion to earn for them salvation. Because of their zeal for these ceremonies
they thought themselves righteous, and worthy of a place in God's kingdom.
But their hopes were fixed on worldly greatness. They longed for riches
and power, and these they expected as the reward for their pretended piety.
They looked for the Messiah to set up His kingdom on this earth, and to
rule as a mighty prince among men. Every worldly blessing they hoped to receive
at His coming.
Jesus knew that their hopes were to be disappointed. He had come to teach
them of something far better than they had sought.
He had come to restore the true worship of God. He was to bring in a pure
heart religion, that would manifest itself in a pure life and a holy character.
In the beautiful Sermon on the Mount He explained what God thinks most
precious, and what would give real happiness.
The Saviour's disciples had been influenced by the teachings of the
rabbis; and for these disciples, first of all, Christ's lessons were spoken.
That which He taught them is for us also. We need to learn the same things.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit," Christ said. Matthew 5:3. The
poor in spirit are those who know their own sinfulness and need. They know that
of themselves they can do no good thing. They desire help from God, and to them
His blessing is given.
"For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity,
whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of
a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive
the heart of the contrite ones." Isaiah 57:15.
"Blessed are they that mourn." Matthew 5:4. This does not mean
those who complain and murmur, and who go about with a sour, downcast look. It
means those who are truly sorry for their sins, and who ask God for pardon.
All such He will freely forgive. He says, "I will turn their
mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their
sorrow." Jeremiah 31:13.
"Blessed are the meek." Matthew 5:5. Christ says, "Learn
of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart." Matthew 11:29. When He was
wrongfully treated, He returned good for evil. In this He has given us an
example, that we should do as He has done.
"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness." Righteousness is right-doing. It is obedience to the law of
God; for in that law the principles of righteousness are set forth. The Bible
says, "All Thy commandments are righteousness." Psalm 119:172.
That law Christ, by His example, taught men to obey. The righteousness of
the law is seen in His life. We hunger and thirst after righteousness when we
want to have all our thoughts, our words, and our actions, like Christ's.
And we may be like Christ if we really desire to be. We may have our
lives like His life, our actions in harmony with the law of God. The Holy Spirit
will bring God's love into our hearts, so that we shall delight to do His will.
God is more willing to give us His Spirit than parents are to give good
things to their children. His promise is, "Ask, and it shall be given
you." Luke 11:9; Matthew 7:7. All that hunger and thirst after
righteousness "shall be filled."
"Blessed are the merciful." Matthew 5:7. To be merciful is to
treat others better than they deserve. So God has treated us. He delights to
show mercy. He is kind to the unthankful and to the evil.
So He teaches us to treat one another. He says, "Be ye kind one to
another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake
hath forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32.
"Blessed are the pure in heart." Matthew 5:8. God cares more
for what we really are than for what we say we are. He does not care how
beautiful we may look, but He wants our hearts pure. Then all our words and
actions will be right.
King David prayed, "Create in me a clean heart, O God."
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable
in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer." Psalm 51:10; 19:14.
This should be our prayer.
"Blessed are the peacemakers." Matthew 5:9. He who has the meek
and lowly spirit of Christ will be a peacemaker. Such a spirit provokes no
quarrel, gives back no angry answer. It makes the home happy, and brings a sweet
peace that blesses all around.
"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness'
sake." Matthew 5:10. Christ knew that for His sake many of His disciples
would be put in prison, and many would be killed. But He told them not to mourn
because of this.
Nothing can harm those who love and follow Christ. He will be with them
in every place. They may be put to death, but He will give them a life that will
never end, and a crown of glory that fadeth not away.
And from them others will learn about the dear Saviour. Christ said to
His disciples:
"Ye are the light of the world." Matthew 5:14. Jesus was soon
going away from the world to His heavenly home. But the disciples were to teach
the people of His love. They were to be as lights among men.
The lamp in the lighthouse, shining out in the darkness, guides the ship
safely to the harbor; thus Christ's followers are to shine in this dark world,
to guide men to Christ and the heavenly home.
This is what all the followers of Christ are to do. He calls them to work
with Him in saving others.
Such lessons were strange and new to Christ's hearers, and He repeated
them many times. At one time a lawyer came to Him with the question:
"Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus said unto
him, "What is written in the law? how readest thou?
"And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all
thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy
mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.
"Thou hast answered right," said Christ; "this do and thou
shalt live." The lawyer had not done this. He knew that he had not loved
others as himself. Instead of repenting, he tried to find an excuse for his
selfishness. So he asked Jesus: "Who is my neighbor?" Luke 10:25-29.
The priests and rabbis often disputed about this question. They did not
call the poor and ignorant their neighbors, and would show them no kindness.
Christ took no part in their disputes; He answered the question by a story about
something that had happened a short time before.
A certain man, He said, was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. The
road was steep and rocky, and passed through a wild, lonely region. Here the man
was seized by robbers, and stripped of all that he had. He was beaten and
bruised, and left for dead.
As he lay thus, a priest and then a Levite from the temple at Jerusalem
came that way. But instead of helping the poor man, they passed by on the other
These men had been chosen to minister in God's temple, and they ought to
have been like Him, full of mercy and kindness. But their hearts were cold and
After a time a Samaritan came near. The Samaritans were despised and
hated by the Jews. To one of these people a Jew would not give so much as a
drink of water or a morsel of bread. But the Samaritan did not stop to think of
this. He did not stop even to think of the robbers who might be watching for
There lay the stranger, bleeding and ready to die. The Samaritan took off
his own cloak, and wrapped it about him.
He gave him his own wine to drink, and poured oil on his wounds. He put
him on his own beast, brought him to an inn, and took care of him all night.
The next morning, before going away, he paid the innkeeper to care for
him till he should be strong again. So Jesus told the story. Then turning to the
lawyer, He asked:
"Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that
fell among the thieves?"
The lawyer answered, "He that showed mercy on him."
Then Jesus said, "Go, and do thou likewise." Luke 10:35-37. So
Jesus taught that every person who needs our help is our neighbor. We are to
treat him just as we ourselves would like to be treated.
The priest and the Levite pretended to keep God's commandments, but it
was the Samaritan who really kept them. His heart was kind and loving.
In taking care of the wounded stranger, he was showing love to God as
well as to man. For it pleases God to have us do good to one another. We show
our love for Him by being kind to those about us.
A kind, loving heart is worth more than all the riches in the world.
Those who live to do good show that they are children of God. They are the ones
who will dwell with Christ in His kingdom.
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