
Defending the Heavenly Gift


Books by Ellen White

"O taste and see that the LORD is good:" Ps 34:8 - The value of the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY writings is best learned by reading them. Here are a few samples.

Book Chart and Abbreviation List

From Eden Lost to Eden Restored

Patriarchs & Prophets:

Prophets & Kings:  

Desire of Ages: 

Acts of the Apostles

The Most Important Book: The Great Controversy: Fifth in the series, this amazing prophetic book is especially for the crisis that lies ahead of the Christian world. It exposes our wily foe as no other modern book has ever done. 


Inspirational Treasures:


Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing: eBook. One of the Most Inspiring Books ever penned! Christ's Wonderful Sermon on the Mount.

Early Writings of Ellen White:

The Sanctified Life:  eBook

Sketches From The Life of Paul:

Steps to Christ: eBook. All time best-seller- a step by step guide to the Christian walk. 

Shelter in the Storm: eBook

The Parables of Jesus: eBook & online. (Christ's Object Lessons) One of the most inspiring books ever written.


More Excellent Books and Compilations

Testimonies To Ministers & Gospel Workers: Learn what the Lord's 1888 message really was. Complete PDF E-Book to Download.

Last Day Events

Faith & Works

Early Articles and Books

First Letters and Broadsides: The accounts of the earliest visions.

Word to the Little Flock Earliest account of a vision of Ellen G. Harmon (White) 1847

Special Bible Texts Shown on a Golden Card From an early Vision.